How to get column names from SQLAlchemy result (declarative syntax)


Solution 1

The difference is between ORM and non-ORM, not declarative, which is just a helper for the ORM.

Query has a method column_descriptions() that was added for this purpose::

the example there seems like it has a typo, says q.columns but it should be q.column_descriptions (edit: just fixed it).

Solution 2

You can do something similar to Foo Stack's answer without resorting to private fields by doing:


Solution 3

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import (Column, Index, Date, DateTime, Numeric, BigInteger, String, ForeignKey, Boolean)

Base = declarative_base()

class Project(Base):
    """sqlalchemy ORM for my table."""
    __tablename__ = "table1"
    id = Column("id", BigIntegerID, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    date = Column("date", Date, nullable=False)
    value = Column("value", Numeric(20, 8))

Then this will return the columns names ['id', 'date', 'value', ...]:


Or this


Solution 4

Just playing around, this syntax will give you all the columns (so to solve your problem, set query to look at one table/object only):


Solution 5

This link shows how to get all the metadata you could ever need about a table, column and more.

SQLAlchemy Metadata

Many of the answers above are based on the info on this page. Suppose we have declared a table.

employees = Table('employees', metadata,
    Column('employee_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('employee_name', String(60), nullable=False),
    Column('employee_dept', Integer, ForeignKey("departments.department_id"))

Here are some examples of getting metadata about the table.

# access the column "EMPLOYEE_ID":

# or just

# via string

# iterate through all columns
for c in employees.c:

# get the table's primary key columns
for primary_key in employees.primary_key:

# get the table's foreign key objects:
for fkey in employees.foreign_keys:

# access the table's MetaData:

# access the table's bound Engine or Connection, if its MetaData is bound:

# access a column's name, type, nullable, primary key, foreign key

# get the "key" of a column, which defaults to its name, but can
# be any user-defined string:

# access a column's table:
employees.c.employee_id.table is employees

# get the table related by a foreign key
Author by


Senior Developer @ SAP

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Sukumar
    Sukumar almost 2 years

    I am working in a pyramid project and I've the table in SQLAlchemy in declarative syntax

    class Projects(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'projects'
        __table_args__ = {'autoload': True}

    I get the results by using

    session = DBSession()
    row_data = session.query(Projects).filter_by(id=1).one()

    How can I get the column names from this result.

    PS: I am unable to use this method since I am using the declarative syntax.

  • Sukumar
    Sukumar almost 13 years
    Thanks for the answer! Unfortunately, this returns [{'aliased': False, 'expr': <class 'metrics.models.Projects'>, 'type': <class 'metrics.models.Projects'>, 'name': 'Projects'}] I am trying to use reflection so that I don't have to specify the column name and with this method I'll still have to specify the column names. Or am I missing something?
  • Sukumar
    Sukumar almost 13 years
    I think I found the solution. I was able to get the column list by using Projects.__table__.columns.keys()
  • CubeBot88
    CubeBot88 almost 7 years
    Note that 'columns' is interchangeable with 'c', so for above Project.metadata.tables[Project.__tablename__].c.keys() would also work. As would Project.__table__.c.keys()
  • Grail Finder
    Grail Finder almost 6 years
    its still there 5 years later. Only way you can make something reliable is to rely on that.
  • Jcc.Sanabria
    Jcc.Sanabria over 5 years
    Nice! It'll be useful in a property (setter) method
  • medley56
    medley56 over 4 years
    I think this only works if you are specifying which columns you want back in the query (which means you already know the column names). What @Sukumar and I need is the columns for a query constructed like q=sess.query(MyTableObject).all()
  • wolfmanx
    wolfmanx almost 4 years
    column_descriptions is an attribute, not a method.
  • Tom
    Tom over 3 years
    I know this is an old answer, but hoping someone knows: if the query is for more than one entity, how do you get unambiguous column names? For a query like Query(DataClass1).join(DataClass2).add_entity(DataClass2), if DataClass1 and DataClass2 have fields with the same names, then keys() returns a list with duplicate entries.
  • Kots
    Kots over 2 years
    bravo! i learned something and didn't just copy