How to get discord bot to read embed


Solution 1

The text in a MessageEmbed can be in author, description, footer, message.content and title. They can also be inside every filed, so might want to check for all that stuff.
Here's a little function you could use (I know it seems a mess but it's just because there are a lot of logical operators):

      message {Discord.Message}: the message you want to search in
      target {string}: the string you're looking for
        caseSensitive {boolean}: whether you want the search to be case case-sensitive
        author {boolean}: whether you want to search in the author's name
        description {boolean}: whether you want to search in the description
        footer {boolean}: whether you want to search in the footer
        title {boolean}: whether you want to search in the title
        fields {boolean}: whether you want to search in the fields
function findInMessage(message, target, {
  caseSensitive = false,
  author = false,
  description = true,
  footer = true,
  title = true,
  fields = true
}) {
  if (!target || !message) return null;
  let str = caseSensitive ? target : target.toLowerCase();

  if ((caseSensitive && message.content.includes(str)) ||
    (!caseSensitive && message.content.toLowerCase().includes(str))) return true;

  for (let embed of message.embeds) {
    if ((caseSensitive && (
        (author && ||
        (description && embed.description.includes(str)) ||
        (footer && embed.footer.includes(str)) ||
        (title && embed.title.includes(str)))) ||
      (!caseSensitive && (
        (author && ||
        (description && embed.description.toLowerCase().includes(str)) ||
        (footer && embed.footer.toLowerCase().includes(str)) ||
        (title && embed.title.toLowerCase().includes(str))))
    ) return true;

    if (fields)
      for (let field of embed.fields) {
        if ((caseSensitive && [, field.value].includes(str)) ||
          (!caseSensitive && [, field.value.toLowerCase()].includes(str))) return true;

  return false;

The functions returns true when finds the word you put in, false when it doesn't find it and null when one of the non-optional arguments is missing.
You can use it like this:

if (findInMessage(message, 'cyber'))"Key word detected.");

There are some instructions at the top, hope this helps ;)

Solution 2

This should be it, checking for all embeds in the message too

if(message.content.toLowerCase().includes('cyber'))"Key Word Detected ");
else {
    for(var i = 0; i < message.embeds.length; i++) {
        if(message.embeds[i].title.includes("cyber") || message.embeds[i].title.includes("cyber")) {

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Mark Farag
Author by

Mark Farag

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Mark Farag
    Mark Farag about 2 years

    I understand how a discord bot can read a regular user inputed message and respond using

    if(message.content.toLowerCase().includes('cyber'))"Key Word Detected ");

    But it won't read the message if it is an embed. Please help me change that to look for the keyword in a embed message and elicit a response from the bot.

    • TankorSmash
      TankorSmash over 5 years
      It sounds like you're asking for SO to write code for you. Could you show what you've tried to change within those lines, and explain why it didn't work? Maybe link the part of the docs you're trying to deal with
    • Mark Farag
      Mark Farag over 5 years
      I tried changing the code to look like if(embed.Message.content.toLowerCase().includes('cyber'))"Key Word Detected "); if(embed.content.toLowerCase().includes('cyber'))"Key Word Detected "); nothing seems to be working and everything I've looked up seems to not have any solution to my problem
    • Djazouli
      Djazouli over 5 years
      Are you sure that embed.Message exists ? For me, after looking at this guide, it seems like an embed is a list of fields, so I would do something like fields = message.embed.fields; len = fields.length; for var i in range(len){ if fields[i].value.contains('cyber')...