How to get First and Last Day of Previous Month with Carbon - Laravel


Solution 1

Try this:

$start = new Carbon('first day of last month');
$end = new Carbon('last day of last month');

Solution 2

Just try this

$firstDayofPreviousMonth = Carbon::now()->startOfMonth()->subMonth()->toDateString();
$lastDayofPreviousMonth = Carbon::now()->subMonth()->endOfMonth()->toDateString();

Updated code, which is more accurate

$firstDayofPreviousMonth = Carbon::now()->startOfMonth()->subMonthsNoOverflow()->toDateString();

$lastDayofPreviousMonth = Carbon::now()->subMonthsNoOverflow()->endOfMonth()->toDateString();

@kenfai Thanks

Solution 3

With this ... the date start init on 00:00 and date end finish in 23:59

$start = new Carbon('first day of last month');
$end = new Carbon('last day of last month');

Solution 4

To specifically answer your question as to why you're getting the wrong result for $lastDayofPreviousMonth.

Lets break down this statement in your example:

// Carbon::now() > 2016-05-05
// ->endOfMonth() > 2016-05-31
// ->subMonth() > 2016-04-31 // Simply takes 1 away from 5.

This leaves us with an invalid date — there is no 31st of April. The extra day is simply added on to the last valid date (2016-04-30 + 1) which rolls the date into May (2016-05-01).

As previously mentioned to be sure this never happens always reset the date to the 1st of the month before doing anything else (as every month has a 1st day).

$lastDayofPreviousMonth = Carbon::now()->startofMonth()->subMonth()->endOfMonth()->toDateString();
// Carbon::now() > 2016-05-05
// ->startofMonth() > 2016-05-01 00:00:00
// ->subMonth() > 2016-04-01 00:00:00
// ->endOfMonth() > 2016-04-30 23:59:59

Solution 5

There is currently a bug within Carbon when using the method


The bug results in returning the last day as 30 for those months that have 31 days.

IE - if you are in March and you run the above call it will return 2017-03-30 and not 2017-03-31 as you would expect.

As I was doing a between dates operation I ended up using..


This ended up with the correct date dateTimeString for those days that end on the 31st.

Author by


Laravel Developer

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Siddharth
    Siddharth almost 2 years

    I need First and Last Day of Previous Month using Carbon Library, what I have tried is as follows:

    $firstDayofPreviousMonth = Carbon::now()->startOfMonth()->subMonth()->toDateString();
    $lastDayofPreviousMonth = Carbon::now()->endOfMonth()->subMonth()->toDateString();

    Result I'm getting is for$firstDayofPreviousMonth = '2016-04-01'(as current month is 5th(May)) and for $lastDayofPreviousMonth = '2016-05-01'.

    I'm getting correct result for $firstDayofPreviousMonth, but it's giving me 30 days previous result, and giving me wrong result for $lastDayofPreviousMonth.

    Can anyone help me out with this?