How to get nice formatting in the Rails console


Solution 1

The y method is a handy way to get some pretty YAML output.

y ProductColor.all

Assuming you are in script/console

As jordanpg commented, this answer is outdated. For Rails 3.2+ you need to execute the following code before you can get the y method to work:

YAML::ENGINE.yamler = 'syck'

From ruby-docs

In older Ruby versions, ie. <= 1.9, Syck is still provided, however it was completely removed with the release of Ruby 2.0.0.

For rails 4/ruby 2 you could use just

puts object.to_yaml

Solution 2

You should try hirb. It's a gem made to to pretty format objects in the ruby console. Your script/console session would look like this:

>> require 'hirb'
=> true
>> Hirb.enable
=> true
>> ProductColor.first
| id | name  | internal_name | created_at          | updated_at          |
| 1  | White | White         | 2009-06-10 04:02:44 | 2009-06-10 04:02:44 |
1 row in set
=> true

You can learn more about hirb at its homepage.

Solution 3

Awesome print is nice too if you want an object indented. Something like:

$ rails console
rails> require "awesome_print"
rails> ap Account.all(:limit => 2)
    [0] #<Account:0x1033220b8> {
                     :id => 1,
                :user_id => 5,
            :assigned_to => 7,
                   :name => "Hayes-DuBuque",
                 :access => "Public",
                :website => "",
        :toll_free_phone => "1-800-932-6571",
                  :phone => "(111)549-5002",
                    :fax => "(349)415-2266",
             :deleted_at => nil,
             :created_at => Sat, 06 Mar 2010 09:46:10 UTC +00:00,
             :updated_at => Sat, 06 Mar 2010 16:33:10 UTC +00:00,
                  :email => "[email protected]",
        :background_info => nil
    [1] #<Account:0x103321ff0> {
                     :id => 2,
                :user_id => 4,
            :assigned_to => 4,
                   :name => "Ziemann-Streich",
                 :access => "Public",
                :website => "",
        :toll_free_phone => "1-800-871-0619",
                  :phone => "(042)056-1534",
                    :fax => "(106)017-8792",
             :deleted_at => nil,
             :created_at => Tue, 09 Feb 2010 13:32:10 UTC +00:00,
             :updated_at => Tue, 09 Feb 2010 20:05:01 UTC +00:00,
                  :email => "[email protected]",
        :background_info => nil

To integrate it by default with your irb/rails/pry console, add to your ~/.irbrc or ~/.pryrc file:

require "awesome_print"
AwesomePrint.irb! # just in .irbrc
AwesomePrint.pry! # just in .pryrc

Solution 4

>> puts ProductColor.all.to_yaml

Simply works fine!


Solution 5

May also be noted that you can use:

j ProductColor.all.inspect

to output in Json format rather than Yaml

Tom Lehman
Author by

Tom Lehman

Creator of Genius

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Tom Lehman
    Tom Lehman almost 2 years

    I want to get something like this to look nice:

    >> ProductColor.all
    => [#<ProductColor id: 1, name: "White", internal_name: "White", created_at: "2009-06-10 04:02:44", updated_at: "2009-06-10 04:02:44">, #<ProductColor id: 2, name: "Ivory", internal_name: "Ivory", created_at: "2009-06-10 04:02:44", updated_at: "2009-06-10 04:02:44">, #<ProductColor id: 3, name: "Blue", internal_name: "Light Blue", created_at: "2009-06-10 04:02:44", updated_at: "2009-06-10 04:02:44">, #<ProductColor id: 4, name: "Green", internal_name: "Green", created_at: "2009-06-10 04:02:44", updated_at: "2009-06-10 04:02:44">]

    This doesn't work:

    >> ProductColor.all.inspect
    => "[#<ProductColor id: 1, name: \"White\", internal_name: \"White\", created_at: \"2009-06-10 04:02:44\", updated_at: \"2009-06-10 04:02:44\">, #<ProductColor id: 2, name: \"Ivory\", internal_name: \"Ivory\", created_at: \"2009-06-10 04:02:44\", updated_at: \"2009-06-10 04:02:44\">, #<ProductColor id: 3, name: \"Blue\", internal_name: \"Light Blue\", created_at: \"2009-06-10 04:02:44\", updated_at: \"2009-06-10 04:02:44\">, #<ProductColor id: 4, name: \"Green\", internal_name: \"Green\", created_at: \"2009-06-10 04:02:44\", updated_at: \"2009-06-10 04:02:44\">]"

    And neither does this:

    >> ProductColor.all.to_yaml
    => "--- \n- !ruby/object:ProductColor \n  attributes: \n    name: White\n    created_at: 2009-06-10 04:02:44\n    updated_at: 2009-06-10 04:02:44\n    id: \"1\"\n    internal_name: White\n  attributes_cache: {}\n\n- !ruby/object:ProductColor \n  attributes: \n    name: Ivory\n    created_at: 2009-06-10 04:02:44\n    updated_at: 2009-06-10 04:02:44\n    id: \"2\"\n    internal_name: Ivory\n  attributes_cache: {}\n\n- !ruby/object:ProductColor \n  attributes: \n    name: Blue\n    created_at: 2009-06-10 04:02:44\n    updated_at: 2009-06-10 04:02:44\n    id: \"3\"\n    internal_name: Light Blue\n  attributes_cache: {}\n\n- !ruby/object:ProductColor \n  attributes: \n    name: Green\n    created_at: 2009-06-10 04:02:44\n    updated_at: 2009-06-10 04:02:44\n    id: \"4\"\n    internal_name: Green\n  attributes_cache: {}\n\n"


  • Tom Lehman
    Tom Lehman over 14 years
    ryanb's answer is basically what I was looking for, but this is too cool not to accept.
  • jordelver
    jordelver over 13 years
    While not an answer to the original question, it might be pointing out that you can add the hirb stuff to your ~/.irbrc so you don't have to require and enable it each time.
  • botbot
    botbot almost 12 years
    this should be marked as the right answer since it's built in, can be used immediately, and most of all, simple.
  • jordanpg
    jordanpg over 11 years
    This answer is outdated. See:… To make this work, you have to first execute YAML::ENGINE.yamler = 'syck'.
  • Green
    Green almost 11 years
    As a matter of fact require 'pp' isn't possible in rails console --sandbox. For some reason I get false when I try to require pp. Oops! it seems that pp is already required by default in rails console. I just did pp Model.connection_handler and got big pretty printed output. Thanks.
  • sepp2k
    sepp2k almost 11 years
    @Green If require returns false, that just means that the file has been loaded already.
  • jumpa
    jumpa over 10 years
    Its now YAML::ENGINE.yamler = 'psych'
  • Crimbo
    Crimbo about 10 years
    This works great! I couldn't get the other top voted answers to work... I guess because I am using ActiveResource (API resources)
  • Crimbo
    Crimbo about 10 years
    Nice! But I can't get it to format ActiveResource content... unless I am doing something wrong
  • Amrit Dhungana
    Amrit Dhungana almost 10 years
    This gem is outdated now .
  • Deepak Lamichhane
    Deepak Lamichhane over 9 years
    This is similar to ryanb >> ProductColor.all >> y _
  • Todd
    Todd over 8 years
    like @botbot said above, this is the best answer since it applies to situations where you ahve no access to an .irbrc, other console tools, or other configurations of the console (like, being a contracted dev with limited access to a production container/server)
  • Todd
    Todd over 8 years
    this can fail depending on version of JSON/ruby, and the nice formatting may be needed in an environment where one cant have nice things
  • MrYoshiji
    MrYoshiji over 7 years
    Is there a way to "easily" sort the columns of the output? I would love to force the column id to be first and updated_at & created_at at the end (if you add columns after the first migration the updated_at & created_at columns will not be at the end)
  • Hassan Akram
    Hassan Akram over 7 years
    This raise error: JSON::GeneratorError: only generation of JSON objects or arrays allowed
  • ltdev
    ltdev about 7 years
    Can I use this gem with Rails 4 or 5 ?? I've found the following note in the github page: NOTE: awesome_print v1.2.0 is the last release supporting Ruby versions prior to v1.9.3 and Rails versions prior to v3.0. The upcoming awesome_print v2.0 will require Ruby v1.9.3 or later and Rails v3.0 or later. Does this mean that the gem is outdated with these versions and cause conflicts??
  • Arnold Roa
    Arnold Roa almost 7 years
    Why the inspect is not displayed when doing just ProductColor.all?
  • Eric Guo
    Eric Guo over 5 years
    y method coming from ruby and still available in 2.5. irb(main):010:0> method(:y).source_location => ["/usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.5.3_1/lib/ruby/2.5.0/psych/y.rb", 5]