How to get One Signal user's unique player id in iOS?


Solution 1

You need to use OneSignal's observers such as OSSubscriptionObserver.

// Add OSSubscriptionObserver after UIApplicationDelegate
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, OSSubscriptionObserver {

   func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
      // Add your AppDelegate as an subscription observer
      OneSignal.add(self as OSSubscriptionObserver)

   // After you add the observer on didFinishLaunching, this method will be called when the notification subscription property changes. 
   func onOSSubscriptionChanged(_ stateChanges: OSSubscriptionStateChanges!) {
      if !stateChanges.from.subscribed && {
         print("Subscribed for OneSignal push notifications!")
      print("SubscriptionStateChange: \n\(stateChanges)")

      //The player id is inside stateChanges. But be careful, this value can be nil if the user has not granted you permission to send notifications. 
      if let playerId = {
         print("Current playerId \(playerId)")

For a better explanation, here is the documentation for addSubscriptionObserver

Solution 2

I do need to get the Player Id (Or UserId) somewhere inside my code, and i dont want to save it anywhere.

I ended up using this code:

let userId = OneSignal.getPermissionSubscriptionState().subscriptionStatus.userId
Author by


i love technology and enjoyed using apple products and developing application through Xcode. Personally, i like to reading and traveling

Updated on June 03, 2022


  • aznelite89
    aznelite89 about 2 years

    How to retrieve the OneSignal users' unique player id in iOS? I only found iOS SDK Setup in OneSignal Official Documentation.

    Thanks if any suggestions are given.

  • Timur Bernikovich
    Timur Bernikovich almost 7 years
    I think it's to hard for such thing. OneSignal should print player id in logs.
  • reza_khalafi
    reza_khalafi almost 6 years
    onOSSubscriptionChanged not called.
  • Venkatesh Somu
    Venkatesh Somu over 5 years
    Hi @MBH, when I used the your code let userId = OneSignal.getPermissionSubscriptionState().subscriptionStatu‌​s.userId , I am getting the following error "MUST PROVIDE A VALID CALLBACK"
  • Protocol
    Protocol over 5 years
    in my case ononOSSubscriptionChanged not called. Please suggest why it is not called still objserver is add in didFinishLaunching method.
  • Kashif Ahmed
    Kashif Ahmed over 4 years
    Nice Answer actually OneSignal store player id by default into sharePrefrence (Android) and UserDefaults (ioS)