How to get parameters from the Angular ActivatedRoute


Solution 1

Change to = +params.get('id').

You should use the method get() because it returns a single value for the given parameter id. You were getting an error because params is not a key with id as a value.

export class RecipeEditComponent implements OnInit {
  id: number;
  editMode = false;

  constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute) { }

  ngOnInit() {
  // paramMap replaces params in Angular v4+
   this.route.paramMap.subscribe(params: ParamMap => { = +params.get('id');

Solution 2

The problem was in the route definition: putting : instead of ::

Solution 3

I think the following code is going to work in your case:

ngOnInit() {
this.heroes$ = this.route.paramMap.pipe(
  switchMap(params => {
    // (+) before `params.get()` turns the string into a number
    this.selectedId = +params.get('id');
    return this.service.getHeroes();


Also you can try this:

this.sessionId = this.route
  .pipe(map(params => params.get('id') || 'None'));
faouzi Ch
Author by

faouzi Ch

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • faouzi Ch
    faouzi Ch almost 2 years

    I'm trying to get the prameter :id from my activated route using observables. When I print params on the console I get the right values for :id. But it's not the case for I get the value NaN. Can you tell me what is the problem

    export class RecipeEditComponent implements OnInit {
      id: number;
      editMode = false;
      constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute) { }
      ngOnInit() {
          (params: {id: string}) => {
    • penleychan
      penleychan about 5 years
      Could you put that code into your question as code block and not as image.
    • robert
      robert about 5 years
      what you get if you console.log(
    • faouzi Ch
      faouzi Ch about 5 years
      Undifined Even though I'm getting the right object when I print params the object with :id = 1
    • robert
      robert about 5 years
      how do you call this route? what is in your browsers address bar?
    • faouzi Ch
      faouzi Ch about 5 years
      the route is : { path: '::id/edit', component: RecipeEditComponent} The link in the browser is: localhost:4200/recipes/0/edit
    • robert
      robert about 5 years
      Is double colon :: a typo? Try with single one.
    • faouzi Ch
      faouzi Ch about 5 years
      @robert1 yes this was the problem thanks
  • faouzi Ch
    faouzi Ch about 5 years
    it shows this error: ERROR TypeError: "params.get is not a function"
  • Damien
    Damien about 5 years
    If you are using Angular v4+, change params to paramMap.
  • faouzi Ch
    faouzi Ch about 5 years
    I've changed it to paramMap but now it does print nothing on the console
  • Damien
    Damien about 5 years
    Do you have the console.log( in the code?
  • faouzi Ch
    faouzi Ch about 5 years
    Yes, now it prints 0 as value for '' But when I print params it gives me an object with the right values of 'id'
  • RadekF
    RadekF about 5 years
    maybe try this: Number(params["id"])
  • Ellone
    Ellone almost 4 years
    Why is there a + sign ? I haven't found anything on the documentation about it.
  • Damien
    Damien almost 4 years
    @Ellone The + sign changes the id from a string to a number.