How to get SOAP headers


Solution 1

"[userId : null]" is generally the "toString" printout of a DOM element. Most likely if you do something like


you will see that it is a DOM Element subclass of somesort. Thus, something like:


might print the text node.

Solution 2

    import javax.xml.soap.*;

    SOAPPart part = request.getSOAPPart();
    SOAPEnvelope env = part.getEnvelope();
    SOAPHeader header = env.getHeader();
    if (header == null) {
        // Throw an exception

    NodeList userIdNode = header.getElementsByTagNameNS("*", "userId");
    String userId = userIdNode.item(0).getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue();

Solution 3

You can get soap headers without Interceptors and without JAXB.

In your service_impl class add :

public class YourFunctionNameImpl implements YourFunctionName{

private WebServiceContext context;

private List<Header> getHeaders() {
    MessageContext messageContext = context.getMessageContext();
    if (messageContext == null || !(messageContext instanceof WrappedMessageContext)) {
        return null;

    Message message = ((WrappedMessageContext) messageContext).getWrappedMessage();
    List<Header> headers = CastUtils.cast((List<?>) message.get(Header.HEADER_LIST));
    return headers;


Then in your function you can use:

List<Header> headers = getHeaders();
        for(Iterator<Header> i = headers.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { 
            Header h =; 
            Element n = (Element)h.getObject(); 

            System.out.println("header name="+n.getLocalName()); 
            System.out.println("header content="+n.getTextContent()); 

Solution 4

We can get SOAP header in server side by adding following code in CXF interceptor.

Create a class like

public class ServerCustomHeaderInterceptor extends AbstractSoapInterceptor {

private WebServiceContext context;

public ServerCustomHeaderInterceptor() {


public void handleMessage(SoapMessage message) throws Fault,JAXBException {
    System.out.println("ServerCustomHeaderInterceptor  handleMessage");
    JAXBContext jc=null;
    Unmarshaller unmarshaller=null;
    try {
    jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("org.example.hello_ws");
    unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller();
    } catch (JAXBException e) {

    List<Header> list = message.getHeaders();
    for (Header header : list) {
            ElementNSImpl el = (ElementNSImpl) header.getObject();
        ParentNode pn= (ParentNode) el.getFirstChild();
        //Node n1= (Node) pn;
        //Node n1= (Node) el.getFirstChild();

        CustomHeader customHeader=(CustomHeader)  unmarshaller.unmarshal(el.getFirstChild());



After this we need to inject this as a interceptor like

        <bean class="org.apache.cxf.interceptor.LoggingInInterceptor" />
    <bean class="org.example.hellows.soap12.ServerCustomHeaderInterceptor" />

in your server context xml.

We may need to change few lines as per your requirements. Basic flow will work like this.

Author by


my about me is no longer blank

Updated on January 17, 2020


  • user219882
    user219882 over 4 years

    Here is the request

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""

    and I want to get that userId.

    I tried this

    private List<Header> getHeaders() {
        MessageContext messageContext = context.getMessageContext();
        if (messageContext == null || !(messageContext instanceof WrappedMessageContext)) {
            return null;
        Message message = ((WrappedMessageContext) messageContext).getWrappedMessage();
        return CastUtils.cast((List<?>) message.get(Header.HEADER_LIST));
    private String getHeader(String name) {
        List<Header> headers = getHeaders();
        if (headers != null) {
            for (Header header : headers) {
                // return header by the given name                   
        return null;

    And it logs [userId : null]. How can I get the value and why is null there?

  • user219882
    user219882 about 12 years
    As I see it, HeaderList and JAXWSProperties are classes in* package. I really don't want to use this...
  • Kaliyug Antagonist
    Kaliyug Antagonist over 9 years
    Dunno how efficient and reliable this code snippet is but worked well for me ;)
  • burcakulug
    burcakulug almost 9 years
    this method was more convenient for me to access the SOAP headers from service layer. CXF FAQ:‌​t/…?
  • Tim Biegeleisen
    Tim Biegeleisen almost 9 years
    I found this answer helpful because it (correctly) shows how to extract things out of the SOAP header.
  • Nithil George
    Nithil George over 8 years
    SOAPPart part = request.getSOAPPart(); this part give me error, as it can't identify request.
  • kosgeinsky
    kosgeinsky about 8 years
    How do you obtain the request here?
  • Guillaume Polet
    Guillaume Polet almost 2 years
    MessageContext is part of the regular java packages, now