How to get temperature indicators in the panel in 14.04


Solution 1

since psensor v1.0.1, the value of the sensors can be displayed in the top bar, see

You can easily upgrade to a version of psensor including this new feature by using the psensor ppa:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:jfi/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install psensor

Solution 2

Extending on JeanFI's answer.

Showing the temperature or fan speed on the top bar is an experimental feature even in v1.0.1. Hence it is not enabled by default. You got to do the following to get it displayed on the top bar. For completeness, I am copy pasting JeanFi's answer here.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:jfi/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install psensor

launch psensor

It will show as a small thermometer

click on the thermometer and select Sensor Preferences.

Select the needed metric on the left panel. Go to the last tab "Application Indicator" and then select "Display sensor in the label".

you can do this for as many metrics as needed. I set my fan and physical id to display their rpm and temperature.

enabling display sensor

Solution 3

I've been using psensor in Ubuntu 20.04 and I can see these information as in the image below.

enter image description here

Install it with sudo apt install psensor then run searching it in the ubuntu apps, then go to Sensor Preferences menu, select the CPU's temperature in the left side (or other information) and check the Display sensor in the label.

enter image description here


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • l0r3nz4cc10
    l0r3nz4cc10 over 1 year

    I was formerly using 10.04, where I had nice temperature indicators for my dual core like this :

    ubuntu 10.04 panel

    I am now trying to have the same feature with 14.04, but I haven't succeeded yet. I tried so far :

    • indicator-sensors, which showed only one core's temp (also, couldn't get it to launch on start-up)
    • psensor, but somehow I have to click on it in order to read the temp.

    Am I misusing these tools ? Is there an indicator that will launch at start-up and show my two cores' temp ?

  • Vassilis Papanikolaou
    Vassilis Papanikolaou over 6 years
    There is now an updated Ubuntu page for psensor: