How to get the active authenticated gcloud account?


Solution 1

I found the solution:

gcloud config list account --format "value(core.account)"

This would tell you:

Your active configuration is: [default]


To also avoid the active configuration message, you can redirect the stderr to /dev/null:

$ gcloud config list account --format "value(core.account)" 2> /dev/null

It would be nice if --verbosity would also work in this case to remove the info message. That would mean:

$ gcloud config list account --format "value(core.account)" --verbosity error

Any Googlers out there that can post a comment if this is a reasonable feature/bug request/report?

Solution 2

This also seems to work

gcloud config get-value account

Solution 3

Both of these commands below will give the same result:

$ gcloud config get-value account
$ gcloud config list --format 'value(core.account)'

But when you want to set the account to be activated externally then it can be done with the json key:

if [[ ! $(gcloud config get-value account &> /dev/null) ]]
    GCP_SA_KEY=<json credential key>
        echo $GCP_SA_KEY > google-app-creds.json
        export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=$(realpath google-app-creds.json)
        gcloud auth activate-service-account $GCP_ACCOUNT --project=<my_project> \

Ouput will be like this

$ bash /path/to/the/above/file
Activated service account credentials for: [service@<my_project>] 

To take a quick anonymous survey, run: 
  $ gcloud alpha survey

$ gcloud config get-value account

Solution 4

Open gcloud console then run this below command, it work for me gcloud auth list

Gabriel Petrovay
Author by

Gabriel Petrovay

Dreaming big ...

Updated on June 24, 2021


  • Gabriel Petrovay
    Gabriel Petrovay about 3 years

    Using gcloud auth ... you can add or remove accounts used during the gcloud commands.

    Is there a way to get the active account without grep-ing and awk-ing?

    gcloud auth list is good for humans but not good enough to a machine. I want a cleaner solution.

    gcloud config list account also shows me to verbose output:

    Your active configuration is: [default]
    account = service@<my_project>
  • Luís Bianchin
    Luís Bianchin about 7 years
    Alternatively use gcloud auth list --filter=status:ACTIVE --format="value(account)".
  • Alex Jansen
    Alex Jansen over 5 years
    I've been running into issues with core/account not always being set. Luís Bianchin's alternative approach of checking the auth list directly has proven to be more reliable. It also has the added bonus of not printing a new line character if nothing is found.