How to get the total number of rows of a GROUP BY query?


Solution 1

The method I ended up using is very simple:

$query = 'SELECT a, b, c FROM tbl WHERE oele = 2 GROUP BY boele';
$nrows = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ($query) x")->fetchColumn();

Might not be the most efficient, but it seems to be foolproof, because it actually counts the original query's results.

Solution 2

Here is the solution for you

$sql="SELECT count(*) FROM [tablename] WHERE key == ? ";
$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$rows = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
echo $rows[0];

Solution 3

It's a little memory-inefficient but if you're using the data anyway, I use this frequently:

$rows = $q->fetchAll();
$num_rows = count($rows);

Solution 4

I don't use PDO for MySQL and PgSQL, but I do for SQLite. Is there a way (without completely changing the dbal back) to count rows like this in PDO?

Accordingly to this comment, the SQLite issue was introduced by an API change in 3.x.

That said, you might want to inspect how PDO actually implements the functionality before using it.

I'm not familiar with its internals but I'd be suspicious at the idea that PDO parses your SQL (since an SQL syntax error would appear in the DB's logs) let alone tries to make the slightest sense of it in order to count rows using an optimal strategy.

Assuming it doesn't indeed, realistic strategies for it to return a count of all applicable rows in a select statement include string-manipulating the limit clause out of your SQL statement, and either of:

  1. Running a select count() on it as a subquery (thus avoiding the issue you described in your PS);
  2. Opening a cursor, running fetch all and counting the rows; or
  3. Having opened such a cursor in the first place, and similarly counting the remaining rows.

A much better way to count, however, would be to execute the fully optimized query that will do so. More often than not, this means rewriting meaningful chunks of the initial query you're trying to paginate -- stripping unneeded fields and order by operations, etc.

Lastly, if your data sets are large enough that counts any kind of lag, you might also want to investigate returning the estimate derived from the statistics instead, and/or periodically caching the result in Memcache. At some point, having precisely correct counts is no longer useful...

Solution 5

If you're willing to give up a hint of abstraction, then you could use a custom wrapper class which simply passes everything through to the PDO. Say, something like this: (Warning, code untested)

class SQLitePDOWrapper
    private $pdo;

    public function __construct( $dns, $uname = null, $pwd = null, $opts = null )
        $this->pdo = new PDO( $dns, $unam, $pwd, $opts ); 
    public function __call( $nm, $args )
        $ret = call_user_func_array( array( $this->pdo, $nm ), $args );
        if( $ret instanceof PDOStatement )
            return new StatementWrapper( $this, $ret, $args[ 0 ] ); 
               // I'm pretty sure args[ 0 ] will always be your query, 
               // even when binding

        return $ret;


class StatementWrapper
    private $pdo; private $stat; private $query;

    public function __construct( PDO $pdo, PDOStatement $stat, $query )
        $this->pdo  = $pdo;
        $this->stat = $stat;
        this->query = $query;

    public function rowCount()
        if( strtolower( substr( $this->query, 0, 6 ) ) == 'select' )
            // replace the select columns with a simple 'count(*)
            $res = $this->pdo->query( 
                     'SELECT COUNT(*)' . 
                          substr( $this->query, 
                              strpos( strtolower( $this->query ), 'from' ) ) 
                   )->fetch( PDO::FETCH_NUM );
            return $res[ 0 ];
        return $this->stat->rowCount();

    public function __call( $nm, $args )
        return call_user_func_array( array( $this->stat, $nm ), $args );

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I'm a web developer that likes cutting edges and doesn't like the backward kind of compatibility.

Updated on December 07, 2020


  • Rudie
    Rudie over 3 years

    From the PDO manual:

    PDOStatement::rowCount() returns the number of rows affected by the last DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE statement executed by the corresponding PDOStatement object.

    If the last SQL statement executed by the associated PDOStatement was a SELECT statement, some databases may return the number of rows returned by that statement. However, this behaviour is not guaranteed for all databases and should not be relied on for portable applications.

    I found that out only very recently. I had just changed my db abstraction layer to not use SELECT COUNT(1) ... anymore, because just quering the actual rows and then counting the result would be much more efficient. And now PDO doesn't support that!?

    I don't use PDO for MySQL and PgSQL, but I do for SQLite. Is there a way (without completely changing the dbal back) to count rows like this in PDO? In MySQL, this would be something like this:

    $q = $db->query('SELECT a, b, c FROM tbl WHERE oele = 2 GROUP BY boele');
    $rows = $q->num_rows;
    // and now use $q to get actual data

    With the MySQLi and PgSQL drivers, this is possible. With all PDO it isn't!?

    PS. My initial solution was to extend the SQLResult->count method (my own) to replace SELECT ... FROM by SELECT COUNT(1) FROM and just return that number (very inefficient, but only for SQLite PDO). That's not good enough though, because in the example query above is a GROUP BY, which would change the meaning/function of the COUNT(1).

    • Nev Stokes
      Nev Stokes almost 13 years
      This has bitten me in the past too but it's always been this way — it hasn't changed suddenly. Postgres will give you the count, MySQL won't. You're assuming that executing the querying and counting the results would be more efficient but what if you have 10s of thousands of rows?
    • Rudie
      Rudie almost 13 years
      MySQL will give you the count. PHP's 'native' SQLlite client also. Just not PDO. With any driver.
    • Radu Maris
      Radu Maris almost 13 years
      If you need a solution outside of PDO (if it doesn't suport countRows), you can try something like: "select SUM(1) as count from ... ", I know it works in mySQL, it just add's 1 for every returned row in the query (didn't tested this in sqlLite), in the end the value of "count" = count(*).
  • Rudie
    Rudie almost 13 years
    This is what I get back: no such function: FOUND_ROWS
  • tradyblix
    tradyblix almost 13 years that an error from your code from actual SQL return when you use FOUND_ROWS? that's odd.
  • Rudie
    Rudie almost 13 years
    That's the message from the exception thrown by PDO. (I only use PDO for SQLite, so maybe it was thrown by the SQLite layer inside PDO.) It's not my code, I promise =) edit PDO sucks!?
  • Paul DelRe
    Paul DelRe almost 13 years
    FOUND_ROWS doesn't appear in their list of functions. Since it isn't available in the database, it seems that you must use count(*) Source. This is from SQLite, not PDO.
  • Rudie
    Rudie almost 13 years
    Yeah, but count doesn't do the same thing... See my example in the question: if there's a GROUP BY, COUNT 'means' something else.
  • Rudie
    Rudie almost 13 years
    So there's no way? I don't want to count thousands of rows. I just want to know if there's 0, 1 or more results. I don't want to fetch 2 results when I don't need any. I only want to fetch 1, but I want to know if there were more.
  • Denis de Bernardy
    Denis de Bernardy almost 13 years
    There's absolutely no way for a DB to know if a row is there or how many rows there are in your set without actually looking. The next best things include deriving an approximation using its statistics, fetching an extra row (i.e. limit 11 instead of 10) to know if there's a next page, and to avoid re-counting on every page through caching.
  • Geoffrey
    Geoffrey almost 13 years
    An iterator doesn't necessarily know how many records it contains, from what I understand this will still be counting every record on the client side (in php)
  • Rudie
    Rudie almost 13 years
    Well ofcourse it should be looking, but there's a big difference between looking and fetching. That's why db adapters have ResultSet classes: it executed the query, but didn't fetch the results yet. That's what I want (and that's what MySQL, pgSQL and SQLite can do, but apparantly PDO can't).
  • Rudie
    Rudie almost 13 years
    which means fetching the results, which is what I want to avoid. The ResultSet itself ($query is an object) should know how many results there are.
  • Nev Stokes
    Nev Stokes almost 13 years
    The iterator won't fetch anything until you start to traverse it. In the second example you can see if there are any rows returned by checking if the iterator is valid. Granted, if you want to actually know how many rows were returned you'll need to fetch the result. Ideally the ResultSet (as you describe it) should know how many rows it has, but it doesn't. Them's the breaks with PDO I'm afraid.
  • Rudie
    Rudie almost 13 years
    How does this help? It creates a (faulty) COUNT(*) statement that I already have..? I don't see the advantage of the wrapper part... My framework already has a wrapper. A generic Database class and specific adapters like MySQL, SQLite, PDOSQLite and specific resultsets like MySQLResult, SQLiteResult, PDOResult. I could alter the PDOResult class entirely without changing any app functionality or calls (, but I rather not).
  • mjec
    mjec almost 13 years
    Correct, you can't do a fetchAll() later. But, well, you've already done it? So can't you use the result of that instead of fetching again? It may require a bit of rewriting depending on the code you use.
  • Denis de Bernardy
    Denis de Bernardy almost 13 years
    "but there's a big difference between looking and fetching" -- I must have failed to properly communicate that there is little difference between the two. In either case you need to physically visit the DB row; the only difference is that one the one hand side, you grab it (in order), and on the other you count it. My point was that PDO's row count functionality almost certainly does both -- making it slower than a count query you'd write.
  • Rudie
    Rudie about 12 years
    I've altered my result class so it uses ->valid (sort of). Just to check if a resultset is empty or not, before fetching all objects. Empty or not is good enough for me. It's not pretty but it is efficient and it works. In case you're interested:…
  • Devin Crossman
    Devin Crossman over 11 years
    I didn't need the data but just wanted to see if the query returned any data so checking if($sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM) > 0) worked for me. Thanks!
  • Jose A
    Jose A over 11 years
    The solution posted on this answer worked flawlessly. Thanks a lot.
  • itsazzad
    itsazzad over 10 years
    What is array($key) ?
  • dotancohen
    dotancohen over 10 years
    FOUND_ROWS() is for MySQL, SQLite does not have a similar option. However, for MySQL this is certainly the right answer.
  • Admin
    Admin over 10 years
    @SazzadHossainKhan it's a prepared statement, it should be something like : $sth->execute(array("key" => $key_value)); with $key_value a variable declared before this block.
  • user9342572809
    user9342572809 almost 10 years
  • mts7
    mts7 about 9 years
    This worked for me once I removed the ORDER BY clause from the query while using MS SQL Server 2012. As I'm using a PDO wrapper, I had to create a new PDO connection since I hadn't fetched any rows.
  • Christopher K.
    Christopher K. over 8 years
    If the result is huge, fetching the rows one by one is far more efficient, even if you use all of them anyway. If you fetch them one by one and return the data to the browser, you don't need much memory. But if you fetch all, you need the memory for the complete result.
  • Rudie
    Rudie over 8 years
    Has been suggested a few times. What if there are 4012706 results? I only want the number, not all the results.
  • Rudie
    Rudie over 8 years
    Not reading the question well enough. Point is when COUNTint a query with a GROUP BY in it. Results are not as you expect. Was this not obvious enough?
  • Rudie
    Rudie over 8 years
    Not reading the question well enough. Point is when COUNTint a query with a GROUP BY in it. Results are not as you expect. Was this not obvious enough?
  • XaviQV
    XaviQV over 8 years
    You're actually not forced to do anything in the foreach loop, so you could use my example with just the first one, or you could replace "$res[]=$row;" with "$i++;" if you don't find a way to do it with more legitime methods.
  • Admin
    Admin over 6 years
    $query = "SELECT * FROM market.orderList WHERE supplierID=".$uID." group by UID "; $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM ($query) x";