How to get the value of data attribute using jquery


Solution 1

You need to use

I've created a jsFiddle to show this working.

I've closed the LI because AR.

<ul class="notification-body" style="">
    <li class="testClass" data-associateid="AA01">1</li>
    <li class="testClass" data-associateid="AA02">2</li>
    <li class="testClass" data-associateid="AA03">3</li>

Here's the JavaScript:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.testClass').on('click', function(){
        alert( $(this).data('associateid') );

Anytime you have an attribute that starts with data-, you can reference the string after the dash as a data container. Here, I'm calling on an object (the LI) and asking for the data in the container associateID.

Solution 2

What you are currently doing:


Will match the first instance of .testClass and print the data-associateid attribute. What you seem to want to do is to iterate over all .testClass and print their data-associateid values:

     $(".testClass").each(function() {

Based on your updated HTML you would do this:

$(".btnClass").click(function() {
    var id = $(this).parents('.testClass').attr('data-associateid');

This will search the parents of the clicked on .btnClass to find elements with the class .testClass.

Solution 3

To get the data for that instance you simply need to traverse to the parent <li>.

Within an event handler, this is the element that the event occured on. Use closest() to access the parent <li>

$(".btnClass").on('click', function(){
        alert( $(this).closest('li').data('associateid') );

Solution 4

Using .data() is more logical in this case.

$(".btnClass").click(function() {
  $(".testClass").each(function() {

<script src=""></script>
<ul class="notification-body" style="">
  <li class="testClass" data-associateid="AA01"></li>
  <li class="testClass" data-associateid="AA02"></li>
  <li class="testClass" data-associateid="AA03"></li>
<button class="btnClass"></button>

Solution 5

I had hoped you could do it with just a find but apparently not. You have to use each to loop through all the elements.

   $(".testClass").each(function() {

View it here:


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Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Rookie
    Rookie almost 2 years

    I am working on a node.js application which generates a html page. This html page displays a list of associates built according to the data passed onto this page. A list is built something like as follows:

    <ul class="notification-body" style="">
        //loop for all assocaite id's passed to this page
        <li class="testClass" data-associateid="<%= assocID %>">
                 <span class="subject">
                      <label class="btnClass label label-info">ClickMe!</label>

    The generated html src looks something like this:

    <ul class="notification-body" style="">
        <li class="testClass" data-associateid="AA01">
        <li class="testClass" data-associateid="AA02">
        <li class="testClass" data-associateid="AA03">

    I am trying to get the value of the data attribute using Jquery & I tried the following:


    But this outputs'AA01'everytime i click on the btn and I am not getting the expected output in the console: AA01 AA02 AA03

    I tried the following also but it gives me undefined:

    • kidA
      kidA about 9 years
      Where is the element with class .btnClass in your html code?
    • coopersita
      coopersita about 9 years
      I think you need to look into this:
    • Rookie
      Rookie about 9 years
      sorry guys i have updated the code in the original post
    • niba
      niba about 9 years
      From jquery: The .attr() method gets the attribute value for only the first element in the matched set. To get the value for each element individually, use a looping construct such as jQuery's .each() or .map() method.
    • Jonathan Crowe
      Jonathan Crowe about 9 years
      Updated my answer to match what you are asking
  • lehnerchristian
    lehnerchristian about 9 years
    Ok, I didn't see that you want to log all IDs. So it's Jonathan Crowe's answer.
  • Rookie
    Rookie about 9 years
    Hi guys, thanks a lot for your responses. I have updated the html structure i am using in the original post. So basically, when i click on the label 'clickMe' I want to console.log() the value of the corresponsing assocaiteId for that <li>
  • charlietfl
    charlietfl about 9 years
    assigning unique classes isn't necessary or very scalable. Numerous other ways to access an element
  • Suhail Mumtaz Awan
    Suhail Mumtaz Awan about 8 years
    Provided detailed solution, downvoter should care to explaing the action of downV's ....+1 for help