How to get trigger details associated with a task in task scheduler from powershell


Solution 1

Is something like this what you are after:

$task = Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Adobe Flash Player Updater"
$taskTrigger = $task.Triggers[0]


It should give you an output similar to:

Enabled            : True
EndBoundary        : 
ExecutionTimeLimit : 
Id                 : 
Repetition         : MSFT_TaskRepetitionPattern
StartBoundary      : 2000-01-01T09:58:00+09:30
DaysInterval       : 1
RandomDelay        : 
PSComputerName     : 

Edit: Another way of doing this, using a ComObject connection instead

You could do it something like this:

$taskService = New-Object -ComObject "Schedule.Service"

$rootTaskFolder = $taskService.GetFolder("\")
$task = $rootTaskFolder.GetTask("Adobe Flash Player Updater")

This will return the definition of the task. You could then use Compare-Object to see if it's the same on the backup server, and if not, export/import the task.

If you wanted to parse the XML you could do something like:

$parsedXML = [xml]$task.xml

You can then compare triggers by doings something like:

Compare-Object -DifferenceObject $remoteServerParsedXML.GetElementsByTagName("Triggers") -ReferenceObject $parsedXML.GetElementsByTagName("Triggers")

Does this get closer to what you are trying to achieve?

Solution 2

You'll probably think this is ugly, but it gets you all the pertinent info on the screen. Or you can keep it as an object you can manipulate or format from there...

$ScheduledTasks = get-scheduledtask | ? {$_.TaskPath -like '*Cool*'}

foreach ($item in $ScheduledTasks) {

    [string]$Name       = ($item.TaskName)
    [string]$Action     = ($item.Actions | select -ExpandProperty Execute)
    [datetime]$Start    = ($item.Triggers | select -ExpandProperty StartBoundary)
    [string]$Repetition = ($item.Triggers.Repetition | select -ExpandProperty interval)
    [string]$Duration   = ($item.triggers.Repetition | select -ExpandProperty duration)

    $splat = @{

    'Name'       = $Name
    'Action'     = $Action
    'Start'      = $start
    'Repetition' = $Repetition
    'Duration'   = $Duration


    $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -property $splat

    $obj | Write-Output

It will get you something like this:

Repetition : PT1H
Duration   : P1D
Name       : MyCoolTask
Action     : C:\MyPath\MyCoolTask\MyCoolTask.exe
Start      : 1/10/2014 3:00:00 AM

The repetition is every hour (hence the 1H in the PT1H) The Duration is the max run time (1 day) The Name is obviously the name of your task, action and start time should also be self explanatory.

Tyler Durden
Author by

Tyler Durden

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden almost 2 years

    So, basically i need to get the trigger details associated with a task which is created in task scheduler. enter image description here

    So, basically I want these information which i am going to be set in this trigger window such as its daily or weekly and repeat task duration as well as for a duration of etc.

    Right now am able to get following information.

    Name            : LastTaskResult
    Value           : 0
    CimType         : UInt32
    Flags           : Property, ReadOnly, NotModified
    IsValueModified : False
    Name            : NextRunTime
    Value           : 23-09-2015 11:26:56
    CimType         : DateTime
    Flags           : Property, ReadOnly, NotModified
    IsValueModified : False
    Name            : NumberOfMissedRuns
    Value           : 0
    CimType         : UInt32
    Flags           : Property, ReadOnly, NotModified
    IsValueModified : False
    Name            : TaskName
    Value           : test_Task
    CimType         : String
    Flags           : Property, Key, NotModified
    IsValueModified : False
    Name            : TaskPath
    Value           : 
    CimType         : String
    Flags           : Property, Key, NotModified, NullValue
    IsValueModified : False

    So, basically my requirement is i have two servers. One is primary and other one is backup. I have scheduled the tasks in primary servers and periodically mirroring(robocopy) these tasks to backup server which works absolutely fine.

    But when i change the trigger details or arguments in action tab it does not appear in backup server as i am just checking the task name is already present or not in backup server, if not am creating those tasks.

    So is there any way to check the details regarding trigger(Daily or weekly etc, repetition details) or action(script and argument details) so that i can update the tasks accordingly in my seconadary server.

  • Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden over 8 years
    yeah , i have already implemented this, the problem arises when i update trigger in primary server , then after importing i need to just check whether any changes in the trigger details then only i need to import it again or update the trigger accordinglt
  • Loïc MICHEL
    Loïc MICHEL over 8 years
    I'm not following... why not export / import all the tasks after any modification ? the exported xml contains the triggers details
  • Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden over 8 years
    the thing is that we are peridiocally updating the tasks in back up server
  • Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden over 8 years
    can you please tell me how to get task creation date usning powershell ?
  • Loïc MICHEL
    Loïc MICHEL over 8 years
    note that this cmdlet is only available for windows 2012+ or windows 8.1+
  • Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden over 8 years
    sorry kayasax i want creation date not task name
  • Loïc MICHEL
    Loïc MICHEL over 8 years
    $root.GetTasks(0)|%{[xml]$x=$_.xml ; $}
  • Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden over 8 years
    ran the query, it only provides:- Enabled : True EndBoundary : ExecutionTimeLimit : Id : Repetition : MSFT_TaskRepetitionPattern StartBoundary : Delay : StateChange : 3 UserId : PSComputerName :
  • Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden over 8 years
    it does not prvide whether it is weekly or daily and repeatation time etc
  • Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden over 8 years
    one more thing can you tell how to get the task creation date using powershell
  • Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden over 8 years
    ok thanks.. Is there any other way to get the info directly from file stored in Winodw Task Library?