How to handle HTTP code 4xx responses in fetch api


Solution 1

I'd suggest a wrapper that checks response.ok which will be true if the response code is 2xx.

Note this statement from the MDN page on fetch():

An accurate check for a successful fetch() would include checking that the promise resolved, then checking that the Response.ok property has a value of true. An HTTP status of 404 does not constitute a network error.

Here is a wrapper like this:

function fetchData() {
    return fetch.apply(null, arguments).then(response => {
         if (!response.ok) {
             // create error object and reject if not a 2xx response code
             let err = new Error("HTTP status code: " + response.status)
             err.response = response
             err.status = response.status
             throw err
         return response

Solution 2

This way we can handle all types of status accordingly.

fetch(url, {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: headers,
  body: JSON.stringify({ user_email: email }),
}).then((response) => {
  return new Promise((resolve) => response.json()
    .then((json) => resolve({
      status: response.status,
      ok: response.ok,
}).then(({ status, json, ok }) => {
  const message = json.message;
  let color = 'black';
  switch (status) {
    case 400:
      color = 'red';
    case 201:
    case 200:
      color = 'grey';
    case 500:
      handleUnexpected({ status, json, ok });


Solution 3

The best approach I've found for this is to wrap it in a new Promise, and if response.ok is false, reject the Promise with the error context.

 * Parses the JSON returned by a network request
 * @param  {object} response A response from a network request
 * @return {object}          The parsed JSON, status from the response
function parseJSON(response) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => response.json()
    .then((json) => resolve({
      status: response.status,
      ok: response.ok,

 * Requests a URL, returning a promise
 * @param  {string} url       The URL we want to request
 * @param  {object} [options] The options we want to pass to "fetch"
 * @return {Promise}           The request promise
export default function request(url, options) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fetch(endpoint  + url, options)
      .then((response) => {
        if (response.ok) {
          return resolve(response.json);
        // extract the error from the server's json
        return reject(response.json.meta.error);
      .catch((error) => reject({
        networkError: error.message,

(Top comment on

Artur Kasperek
Author by

Artur Kasperek

Updated on June 20, 2022


  • Artur Kasperek
    Artur Kasperek almost 2 years

    I was wondering how we should handle 400 from backend when we use ajax function. We can make if statement in promise resolve function and check if res status is 400. Different approach is making wrapper service for fetch, and when we got 400 from server we throw exception. How to deal with that problem ?

  • sleighty
    sleighty almost 2 years
    So we're forced to use then even if the rest of the code uses async/await?
  • jfriend00
    jfriend00 almost 2 years
    @sleighty - No, you can use await just fine with fetch() if you want.
  • sleighty
    sleighty almost 2 years
    I actually realized that there's just no way to get rid of the 404 being printed to the console, even if you .catch() or try/catch it.