How to include bootstrap-vue in vue.js with npm?


Solution 1

Install vue-cli 3 and add bootstrap-vue as a plugin

Run these commands:

npm install -g @vue/cli

vue create project-name

cd project-name

vue add bootstrap-vue

The plugin will be automatically added and configured.

Solution 2

Create Project then run this command:

npm i bootstrap-vue
Abdulkadir Uyanik
Author by

Abdulkadir Uyanik

Updated on June 21, 2022


  • Abdulkadir Uyanik
    Abdulkadir Uyanik almost 2 years

    I am using vue.js, webpack, npm and jQuery. Now I want to include the framework bootstrap-vue in my project. I followed the guide of via npm and included bootstrap-vue. While starting the build-process of npm, I am getting too many errors with babel-runtime like:

    ERROR in ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/popover.class.js
    Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof' in 
    @ ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/popover.class.js 10:38-78
    @ ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/directives/popover/popover.js
    @ ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/directives/popover/index.js
    @ ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/directives/index.js
    @ ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/index.js
    @ ./src/main.js


    import Vue from 'vue'
    import App from './App'
    import router from './router'
    import 'jquery'
    import BootstrapVue from 'bootstrap-vue'
    import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'
    import 'bootstrap-vue/dist/bootstrap-vue.css'
    Vue.config.productionTip = false
    /* eslint-disable no-new */
    new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    template: '<App/>',
    components: { App }

    I have similar errors like this for other javascript files. Popover.class.js is one of them.

    I except a successful run build with bootstrap-vue. Optional: I could include bootstrap-vue on other ways.