How to increase font size in XAML?


Solution 1

WPF doesn't have the em font size, there alternatives in the answers to this SO

The simplist may be

<ScaleTransform ScaleX="1.2" ScaleY="1.2" /> 

Solution 2

Adapting Bob Vale's answer to your original code

        <ScaleTransform ScaleX="1.2" ScaleY="1.2" />

Solution 3

First of all you should create an application scoped style for you font sizes, as described in this answer : WPF global font size

Then, you can bind the fontsize values to a property of a static class taking the size defined in control panel, and adapt it accordingly.

Solution 4

For those poor souls who find this questions in need for a relative font size mechanism for design purposes such as you'd use in css, I found a hack that appears to work in WPF.

It's used this way:

    <ContentControl local:RelativeFontSize.RelativeFontSize="2">
            <ContentControl local:RelativeFontSize.RelativeFontSize="2">

Which gives this:


And here's the code:

public static class RelativeFontSize
    public static readonly DependencyProperty RelativeFontSizeProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("RelativeFontSize", typeof(Double), typeof(RelativeFontSize), new PropertyMetadata(1.0, HandlePropertyChanged));

    public static Double GetRelativeFontSize(Control target)
        => (Double)target.GetValue(RelativeFontSizeProperty);

    public static void SetRelativeFontSize(Control target, Double value)
        => target.SetValue(RelativeFontSizeProperty, value);

    static Boolean isInTrickery = false;

    public static void HandlePropertyChanged(Object target, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
        if (isInTrickery) return;

        if (target is Control control)
            isInTrickery = true;

                control.SetValue(Control.FontSizeProperty, DependencyProperty.UnsetValue);

                var unchangedFontSize = control.FontSize;

                var value = (Double)args.NewValue;

                control.FontSize = unchangedFontSize * value;

                control.SetValue(Control.FontSizeProperty, unchangedFontSize * value);
                isInTrickery = false;
Author by



Updated on July 04, 2020


  • SOReader
    SOReader almost 4 years

    how can I increase font of a, let's say, TextBlock? I don't want to have something like this:

    <TextBlock FontSize="20">

    because it won't work correctly when user changes Windows' settings of the controls' font size. Do we have something like +VALUE (eg. +2), similar to HTML?

    That's what I meant talking about the Windows' settings: enter image description here

    but the answers I received totally satisfies me.

    • Joe White
      Joe White almost 12 years
      What do you mean by "it won't work correctly when user changes Windows' settings of the controls' font size"? I don't think the user can set sizes of individual control types (there's nothing for it in the "Advanced appearance settings" dialog). They can scale all the screen contents to 125% or 150%, but WPF will respect that. So I'm not sure what setting you're thinking of that you think WPF will ignore.
    • SOReader
      SOReader almost 12 years
      I made an edit to answer your question.