How to insert tab using itextsharp?


Unluckily, iTextSharp does not support Tab, but you can use Paragraph Paragraph.IndentationLeft instead.

You also can use cell.PaddingLeft for table cell.

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Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Bat_Programmer
    Bat_Programmer almost 2 years

    I'm using iTextSharp to generate pdfs in my .net application.
    I'm stuck at a small yet very simple place that I can't seem to figure out.

    I'm generating table using PdfPTable and adding cells to them.

    In one of these cells I want add say about 3 tabs in it.
    I have tried following 2 code but not giving me desired output.

    table.AddCell(new Phrase("\t\tDate:", sampleFont)); //Date:
    table.AddCell(Chunk.TAB + Chunk.TAB + new Phrase("Date:", sampleFont)); //TABTABDate:
  • Bat_Programmer
    Bat_Programmer over 11 years
    How can I integrate this im the table cell?
  • cuongle
    cuongle over 11 years
    @ConfusedProgrammer: you cannot add Paragraph into table cell?