How to inspect a json response from Ansible URI call


Solution 1

This works for me.

- name: check sonar web is up
  url: http://sonarhost:9000/sonar/api/system/status
  method: GET
  return_content: yes
  status_code: 200
  body_format: json
register: result
until: result.json.status == "UP"
retries: 10
delay: 30

Notice that result is a ansible dictionary and when you set return_content=yes the response is added to this dictionary and is accessible using json key

Also ensure you have indented the task properly as shown above.

Solution 2

You've made the right first step by saving the output into a variable.

The next step is to use either when: or failed_when: statement in your next task, which will then switch based on the contents of the variable. There are a whole powerful set of statements for use in these, the Jinja2 builtin filters, but they are not really linked well into the Ansible documentation, or summarised nicely.

I use super explicitly named output variables, so they make sense to me later in the playbook :) I would probably write yours something like:

- name: check sonar web is up
    url: http://sonarhost:9000/sonar/api/system/status
    method: GET
    return_content: yes
    status_code: 200
    body_format: json
  register: sonar_web_api_status_output

- name: do this thing if it is NOT up
  shell: echo "OMG it's not working!"
  when: sonar_web_api_status_output.stdout.find('UP') == -1

That is, the text "UP" is not found in the variable's stdout.

Other Jinja2 builtin filters I've used are:

  • changed_when: "'<some text>' not in your_variable_name.stderr"
  • when: some_number_of_files_changed.stdout|int > 0

The Ansible "Conditionals" docs page has some of this info. This blog post was also very informative.

Solution 3

As per documentation at

Whether or not to return the body of the response as a "content" key in the dictionary result. Independently of this option, if the reported Content-type is "application/json", then the JSON is always loaded into a key called json in the dictionary results.

- name: Example of JSON body parsing with uri module
  connection: local
  gather_facts: true
  hosts: localhost

    - name: Example of JSON body parsing with uri module
        method: GET
        return_content: yes
        status_code: 200
        body_format: json
      register: data
      # failed_when: <optional condition based on JSON returned content>

    - name: Print returned json dictionary
        var: data.json

    - name: Print certain element
        var: data.json[0]
Author by


Updated on April 05, 2020


  • Hafiz
    Hafiz about 4 years

    I have a service call that returns system status in json format. I want to use the ansible URI module to make the call and then inspect the response to decide whether the system is up or down


    This would be the json that is returned

    This is the ansible task that makes a call:

     - name: check sonar web is up
        url: http://sonarhost:9000/sonar/api/system/status
        method: GET
        return_content: yes
        status_code: 200
        body_format: json
        register: data

    Question is how can I access data and inspect it as per ansible documentation this is how we store results of a call. I am not sure of the final step which is to check the status.

  • Hafiz
    Hafiz over 7 years
    posted about the same time as my answer :) so now I am not sure which one to mark as correct answer as both seem to work
  • ocean
    ocean over 7 years
    Hehe ok :) Sorry I took a bit to write that.
  • ocean
    ocean over 7 years
    This is nice, the fact that result comes in as an Ansible dictionary and there's a Jinja2 JSON parser already there to extract info from it.
  • TJA
    TJA over 4 years
    @Halfiz Thank you, thank you, thank you. My until: condition was not working and it was the indentation that was biting me.
  • AhmFM
    AhmFM over 4 years
    how to say the site is UP by looking at status_code?
  • HermanTheGermanHesse
    HermanTheGermanHesse over 4 years
    register is too indented, it needs to spaces less