How to install Android Market App on the emulator?


Solution 1

I got Android Market to work on Emulator for Platform 2.3 using OS 10.6.6:

First download and setup emulator on your mac. Launch emulator and create an AVD. I created one called vd1. Close vd1.

Launch Terminal in Utilities and enable the Finder to show hidden system files and folders by executing following commands:

lsy$ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
lsy$ killall Finder

Download system.img

Copy system.img to two locations:


Launch emulator from Terminal

lsy$ cd android\tools
lsy$ ./emulator -avd [vd1] -partition-size 100

Solution 2

Android Market is not available through the emulator for similar reasons it is not available through the developer phone. Allowing people to buy applications with an unlocked phone (or the emulator) would make it easier for those paid apps to be redistributed as freee apps.

Solution 3

Will's right. But also see this if it helps:

Solution 4

Check out this link.

You get a full featured market on your emulator. I don't know if it's legal(allowed by Google), but the image file, that this post mentions, is a link to HTC's download page.

I am able to access all the market apps now, right from the emulator, the paid ones, and the copy-protected ones also.



Solution 5

The emulator does not have the Android Market. The Android Market is only available for devices whose manufacturers have licensed the Android Market from Google.

Author by


Updated on November 30, 2020


  • Abhijit
    Abhijit over 3 years

    I am not able to access android market through emulator.

  • Bjarke Freund-Hansen
    Bjarke Freund-Hansen almost 15 years
    Why not distributed a Android Market showing only the free apps with the emulator, just like the Market available for most people outside of US?
  • Will
    Will almost 15 years
    Sounds like a good recommendation for the Google/T-Mobile folks.
  • Tomas
    Tomas almost 15 years
    The market is not available through the emulator, but it IS available on the G1 developer phone.
  • Seva Alekseyev
    Seva Alekseyev over 12 years
    Any solution to the missing apps problem?
  • Seva Alekseyev
    Seva Alekseyev over 12 years
    For some reason, under this option the Market displays less apps than in the pankaj's answer.
  • CommonsWare
    CommonsWare over 12 years
    Please do not advocate software piracy on StackOverflow.
  • CommonsWare
    CommonsWare over 12 years
    Please do not advocate software piracy on StackOverflow.
  • Peter Wone
    Peter Wone over 10 years
    CommonsWare, I want Google Play on emulator to test whether intents work with all the major apps. I need Google Maps, and on another emulator I need Bing Maps. On a third I need both (what happens when both are present?) And there are various email apps, and so on and so forth. My desire to install from Google Play has nothing to do with software piracy, and it has been obvious to me from the way they ask the questions that nobody on Stack Overflow is planning to hoist the Jolly Roger.