How to install Aurora (Firefox) on Debian?


Solution 1

To install the latest build of Firefox (Aurora), or one of the release, beta, extended support release (ESR) versions, use instructions from Basically you choose your distribution (stable, testing, unstable), choose Firefox, choose the version, then add a string in /etc/apt/sources.list, then update the packages list. Then run

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -t experimental firefox

You would also possibly need to install package pkg-mozilla-archive-keyring for APT not to complain about untrusted sources.

Solution 2

You should be able to enter and simply download, unpack and run Aurora from there. This will give you the absolutely latest version, however it is for Firefox and not for the Iceweasel fork, and it won't use a repo (or Debian package).


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Mirzhan Irkegulov
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Mirzhan Irkegulov

I am a PhD student in University of Leicester, UK. My interests are functional programming, category theory, and game theory. All my contributions on the StackExchange network are placed under public domain to the extent possible by law. If you see my question or answer, and it's not good enough, for any reason, don't hesitate to leave a comment under it. I'll do my best to improve it. My goal is to leave answers that are very readable and require least background knowledge.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Mirzhan Irkegulov
    Mirzhan Irkegulov over 1 year

    How to install the latest Firefox build (called Aurora) on Debian unstable? Are there any packages or repositories?