How to install graphviz-2.38 on windows 10


Solution 1

Just use:

pip install graphviz

Solution 2

I faced the same issue and just pip install graphviz didn't work for me. In addition, I installed the binaries and set the bin folder in the Windows environment PATH variable, and then it worked.

P.S. this solution installs the 0.8.2 version but works for keras.utils.vis_utils.plot_model which was the problem for me

Solution 3

If you are using Conda, then run the following: conda install -c anaconda graphviz

Be sure though to run the conda cmd as Admin for avoiding privileges permission errors. The above command will update / install all the requirement, and graphviz will be available in the default environment at C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3 (for windows...Not sure for MAC).

Solution 4

For me just installing the graphviz library dint work. It was not able to open dot files. So I had to do the following:

  1. Download the stable Graphviz version by clicking Stable 2.38 Windows install packages from here
  2. Install Graphviz library using pip install graphviz
  3. Since you're using windows, check out the installed tool called GVEdit (just search in the start menu), it makes the whole process slightly easier.
  4. The dot files can be opened by selecting File --> Open

Solution 5

I got "GraphViz's Executables not found" when I tried the program ""

I tried

  1. "pip install graphviz" or
  2. "conda install graphviz". Both of them didn't work for me.

I solve the problem for WIndows-10 as follows:

  1. Go to Graphviz web site:
  2. Setup environment variables, path="...;c:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin;"
  3. Save the path
  4. From the command Prompt check the "Graphviz" path.
  5. Re-execute the program, the tree is visualized now.
Author by


Updated on July 05, 2022


  • adurbin
    adurbin almost 2 years

    I know this is basic, but I'm pretty stuck. I've never installed python packages on Windows OS before... only Linux.

    I downloaded the graphviz-2.38 zip and moved it to my Anaconda packages directory. I unzipped it, and then on the command line tried:

    C:\Users\name\Anaconda3\pkgs\graphviz-2.38> pip install graphviz-2.38

    This is the error I got:

    Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement graphviz-2.38 (from 
    versions: )
    No matching distribution found for graphviz-2.38

    I don't see any setup file within graphviz at all, so I'm a little lost.