How to install more voices to Windows Speech?


Solution 1

Just use the tutorial on this page:


This involves manual edits to your registry. If you mess it up, don't blame me. Do at your own risk.

Step 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Install the Speech Platform v11

a) go here:
b) click "Download"
c) select the "x64_SpeechPlatformRuntime\SpeechPlatformRuntime.msi"
d) run the installer (duh :P)

Step 2: --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Get the alternate voices

a) go here:
b) click "Download"
c) select the voice files you want. They are the ones that have "TTS" in the file name. 

There are 6 English (all female). I have not listened to the other languages, so I dont know how they sound. GB_Hazel and US_ZiraPro are IMO the better sounding voices.


d) run the installers for each (duh :P)

Step 3: --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Extract the registry tokens

a) Open Regedit
b) Under - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech Server\v11.0\Voices - right click the "Tokens" folder and export. Save this file to your desktop as voices1.reg so it will be easy to find later.
b) Under - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Speech Server\v11.0\Voices - right click "Tokens" and again export it, again to the desktop. Call it voices2.reg.

Step 4: --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Edit the voices1/2 files

a) open Voices1.reg in Notepad.
b) press "cntrl + H"
c) enter \Speech Server\v11.0\ into the "Find What" field
d) enter \Speech\ into the "Replace With" field
e) click "Replace All"
f) Save File
g) Repeat a-f with the Voices2.reg file

Step 5: --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Merge the new Registry files into your registry

a) double click to "run" both Voices1.reg and Voices2.reg
b) Click "Yes" when it prompts

You should now have access to the new voices in Voice Attack, and in the Windows TTS options menu.

This process may also work with other voice packs.

Solution 2

You might be installing 32-bit voices that are unavailable when using the 64-bit Speech Properties dialog that you normally see on 64-bit Windows.

Try using the 32-bit dialog by invoking %windir%\sysWOW64\speech\SpeechUX\SAPI.cpl.

Solution 3

enter image description here

Add new language in Control panel and then download language pack in there.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • BrunoLM
    BrunoLM almost 2 years

    I downloaded another TTS pack from Microsoft Speech Platform - Runtime Languages (Version 11), but in the speech properties this pack doesn't show up.

    The image bellow lists all packs installed, which came by default in my Windows 8 installation.


    But it is not supported on windows 8, so how can I install more packs?

    • Admin
      Admin about 11 years
      That page states that those are only language data files, most likely for MS SAPI developers. Third party voices/TTS engines seem to be much larger downloads, but TBH I've never tried any besides the 2 L&H voices for XP that MS provided as free downloads.
    • Admin
      Admin over 10 years
      Also want to know how to add German to this.
    • Admin
      Admin almost 10 years
      I didn't realized that Windows finally can speak so many languages!
    • Admin
      Admin over 6 years
      Here is an answer that directly addresses this:…
  • David
    David over 10 years
    Welcome to Superuser! This answer is a little short on detail, could you please expand it a little? Thanks
  • Ivan Ičin
    Ivan Ičin over 10 years
    This is for Windows 8.1 - first 2 steps needed . There are almost identical language settings in desktop Control Panel for both Windows 8 and 8.1
  • fixer1234
    fixer1234 over 9 years
    External links can break or be unavailable, in which case your answer would have no value. The link should be used for attribution and further information but the essential points should be included in your answer.
  • ADTC
    ADTC almost 9 years
    ZiraPro sounds so much more natural than Robotic Anna but it doesn't work when I click the Speech button in Microsoft Word. When I choose Hazel, it reads as Anna. When I choose ZiraPro, it's completely silent. Both voices read the preview text in Control Panel's "Text to Speech" options properly.
  • DmitryBoyko
    DmitryBoyko over 8 years
    Your URL is not working. The exported Registry for has many things. Please, tell us certanly what do we have to change. Thank you!
  • DmitryBoyko
    DmitryBoyko over 8 years
    Yeah... And I am wondering if voices are 32 bit or 64bit? Because they are not visible under the norma 64 bit console as well as 32 bit console... So wtfisit...
  • harrymc
    harrymc over 8 years
    @Peretz: Try Dimio's Tools. This link also contains additional information that could be useful. If you are into Visual Studio, see this program to list the installed TTS voices.
  • detective0922
    detective0922 over 8 years
    To prevent typo's, I've created a PowerShell to do the registry stuff:
  • Antony
    Antony about 8 years
    Great hack! For the longest time I couldn't even get this to work, and now TTS works flawlessly! Thank you!!
  • Antony
    Antony about 8 years
    I should add that this works on English language on English OS (tested on Windows 10). However, if I tried other languages like "Microsoft Server Speech Text to Speech Voice (zh-TW, HanHan)," it doesn't seem to work as an exception is thrown.
  • Dheeraj Vepakomma
    Dheeraj Vepakomma about 8 years
    Tried this with ZiraPro and Hazel. The voices are listed in the Control Panel. However when I try to preview the voice, I get an error: "This voice cannot be played."
  • Menasheh
    Menasheh almost 8 years
    Does this work in windows 10?
  • Robbie Dee
    Robbie Dee over 7 years
    @DheerajV.S. Are you sure you installed Speech Platform v11?
  • carbontracking
    carbontracking almost 7 years
    For info, I tried this on Windows 7 Enterprise but only did the first part of step 3=>b i.e. concerning the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech Server\v11.0\Voices and it worked perfectly. Thanks a million / Colm
  • geisterfurz007
    geisterfurz007 over 6 years
    This is exactly what I was looking for to change TTS language in discord. Maybe this comment will as well help people to find this in google (and if it only is my, it was worth it). Thanks for this answer!
  • Anton Andreev
    Anton Andreev over 6 years
    It works on Windows 10 x64. I installed the voices and they were detected by RTVoice speech synthesis for Unity 3D.
  • Riccardo
    Riccardo over 6 years
    Doesn't work for me on Windows 10, the voice is listed in TTS cpanel but when selected I get an error
  • ashleedawg
    ashleedawg about 6 years
    Worked on Windows 7 Home 64-bit once I uninstalled x86_SpeechPlatformRuntime downloaded x64_SpeechPlatformRuntime and repeated the steps. (30 mins total for minimal voice improvement.) Thanks for posting anyhow!+
  • user
    user over 4 years
    How to get to this page?
  • SIslam
    SIslam about 3 years
    So many broken links are present in the post! BTW thanks.