How to install specific pod without touching other dependencies


Solution 1

To Skip running pod repo update before install.Use

pod install --no-repo-update

Solution 2

To install a plugin without updating existing ones-> Add that plugin in your Podfile and use:

pod install --no-repo-update

To remove/update a specific plugin use:

pod update POD_NAME


Solution 3

1) If you want to update single pod

pod update 'yourpodname'

2) if you want to install one pod without affecting another pod

pod install --no-repo-update

3)if you want to install/update specific version of pod

pod 'Stripe', '3.0'

4) if you want to install/update latest version of pod than

pod 'KCFloatingActionButton'

Solution 4

Here you can skip integration of the Pods libraries in the Xcode project(s) by using following command.

pod install --no-repo-update

Pod install

Hope this help you.

Solution 5

At the time of writing, pod install will only install pods in the PodFile that haven't already been installed. The others will not be updated. This issue appears to have been solved by the CocoaPods project.

Shamsiddin Saidov
Author by

Shamsiddin Saidov

Freelance iOS developer w/10+ years of experience developing iPhone, iPad applications. Experienced Leader with skills Objective C, Swift, Cocoa touch. Relevant Skills: iOS, Objective C, Swift, Cocoa touch, XCode, UIKit, Mac OS X, REST, XML, JSON, Git, SVN, SQLite, Core Data, C/C++, User experience, MVC, OOP, Relational Databases, Client/Server architecture, Multithreaded programming

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Shamsiddin Saidov
    Shamsiddin Saidov almost 2 years

    I want to install specific dependency using cocoapods. if I execute pod install, other dependencies are getting updated before installing my newly added dependency. I just want to install specific pod without touching any others. And I know deleting, updating any dependency also updates others. Is there any way to solve this problem?

    Actually my problem is when I myself modify some dependency (AFNetworking for example) and run pod install it reverts back to its original version. But I don't want to lose my changes.

  • Jatin Patel - JP
    Jatin Patel - JP about 9 years
    @Shamsiddin Saidov, this command only add new pod that is not integrate earlier.
  • Shamsiddin Saidov
    Shamsiddin Saidov about 9 years
    It didn't help. pod install --no-repo-update also updating existing pods
  • Shamsiddin Saidov
    Shamsiddin Saidov about 9 years
    I have AFNetworking integrated in my project and I modified some classes in it. When I added another pod, say pod 'Facebook-iOS-SDK', '~> 4.1' and run pod install --no-integrate it reverts back my modified AFNetworking classes to it's original version. I.e. it's updating my already installed dependencies before installing Facebook-iOS-SDK
  • cspam
    cspam about 8 years
    this doesnt seem to be the case when there is a major revision update for Cocoapods itself... i.e. Version 1.0.0 was release just recently but because its a major version evidently it tries to update all pods to the latest , even when specifying otherwise int he command line - at least thats what happened in my case
  • skymook
    skymook over 7 years
    Seems a little strange at first, but this works as atulkhatri mentioned when removing a single library. Remove the item from your pod file and run update podname.
  • Chaudhry Talha
    Chaudhry Talha over 6 years
    This still update the other pods as I was trying to skip updation of other pods that were that for xcode 8.3.3 and now after migration to xcode 9 they didn't get converted like in previous xcode versions.
  • AnBisw
    AnBisw about 6 years
    That's not what the OP had asked. The question is how to install only a newly added POD in the podfile instead of updating ALL the pods from repo which pod install does.
  • Niki
    Niki over 5 years
    @skymook not working for me to remove FacebooCore library :(
  • Yogendra Patel
    Yogendra Patel almost 4 years
    @Niki I have same problem with 'FacebookCore'. Have you find any solution?
  • atulkhatri
    atulkhatri almost 4 years
    @YogendraPatel It is possible that some other third-party framework has added on older version of Facebook SDK as a dependency. Could you please check your Podfile.lock to see if that is not the case?
  • BollMose
    BollMose over 3 years
    --no-integrate is out of date.
  • Hashim Akhtar
    Hashim Akhtar about 3 years
    This still seems to meddle with the other Pods already installed.
  • atulkhatri
    atulkhatri about 3 years
    @HashimAkhtar If more than 1 pod rely on the same framework, it might be a good idea to update both of them to avoid incompatibility.
  • Naresh
    Naresh over 2 years
    pod install --no-repo-update is out dated, not working.... Is there any other solution.
  • Naresh
    Naresh over 2 years
    pod update POD_NAME which is also not working; It is updating other pods.