How to install the most common plugins?


Solution 1

The easiest way is to install the package ubuntu-restricted-extras by clicking the button below:

Install via the software center

This will install a bunch of useful stuff, because it is a meta-package, like Flash, MP3 capability, mscorefonts etc.

Connect to the internet. Open the software center and search for ubuntu-restricted-extras and install it.

You will have to accept some licences for non-free stuff.

Solution 2

First step read this from Ubuntu RestrictedFormats.

Then go to ubuntuguide. This is for Maverick - there are different guides for older versions of Ubuntu.

To install Flash search for 'Flash' in the Software Centre and install it or install the package: flashplugin-nonfree

sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree

Solution 3

If you want only free and open-source package (without enabling Multiverse) then following helps you which are available on Universe repository

For supporting MP3 most common audios & videos:-

  • gstreamer1.0-fluendo-mp3: This GStreamer 1.0 plugin permits decoding of MPEG 1 audio layer III streams.

  • gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad and gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly : gstreamer plugins

  • gstreamer1.0-libav: This GStreamer plugin supports a large number of audio and video compression formats through the use of the libav library. The plugin contains GStreamer elements for encoding 40+ formats (MPEG, DivX, MPEG4, AC3, DV, ...), decoding elements for decoding 90+ formats (AVI, MPEG, OGG, Matroska, ASF, ...), demuxing 30+ formats and colorspace conversion.

Flash player & plugin:-

  • gnash :GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player
  • browser-plugin-gnash : GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player - Plugin for Mozilla and derivatives

Solution 4

For Flash Player, try installing flashplugin-installer and flashplugin-nonfree

For the MP3 stuff, support to listen to MP3 media files should already be loaded into the system, as was my experience with 10.04 and 10.10.


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Author by


Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Ant's
    Ant's almost 2 years

    How can I install the most used plugins like flash player and mp3 in Ubuntu?

  • Vass
    Vass over 7 years
    Worked well! installed only what was needed for the mp3 playback
  • Pandya
    Pandya over 7 years
    They are non-free.