How to install Ubuntu 12.04 on MacBook Pro?


It sounds like you might have bought the latest MacBook Pro, which is the 10,1 model. People are still investigating how to get Ubuntu working completely on that hardware, so I would not recommend installing Ubuntu on it unless you know what you're doing and want to make a serious time commitment.

Here's the link to the relevant Ubuntu help page: There's a link to the forum thread where people are working on the hardware issues. There's also instructions on how to find out what model you have and a link to a directory of help pages for the older models.

Now to specifically answer your question...The general instructions for installing a dual-boot from the Ubuntu cd are here. It involves installing rEFIt. I expect it will work for you, but as I said above, the real problem may be afterwards, when trying to get all the hardware to work.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • 王子1986
    王子1986 over 1 year

    How to install Ubuntu 12.04 on a MacBook Pro?

    I just bought one and I want to install Ubuntu alongside Mac OS X. I have tried the same way as with Windows, but it seems the Mac cannot recognize the Ubuntu CD.