How to keep a <div> constant in size as the user zooms in and out on the page?


Solution 1

There is no good way (read: reliable) to do this. Sorry.

What you're asking for basically boils down to detecting the zoom level of the browser, and there's a great answer here (confirming just how difficult this is):

As stated in that answer, there is a "kinda" cross-browser crazy way involving the use of Flash, but there are downsides:

  • It uses Flash.
  • It's not reliable if the user loads your page already zoomed in.
  • It uses Flash. Yes, this is so bad that I said it twice. Think of all those iPhones/iPads.

Anyway, it's here:

Solution 2

.box {
    background: red;
    width: 5vw;
    height: 10vh;
    position: absolute;
    top: 10vh;
    left: 5vw;
<div class="box"></div>

Solution 3

I am not sure what you mean, just use css:

div#id {
    width: 100px; /*or some other #*/
    height: 100px; /*or some other #*/


<div id="id">some content</div>

Solution 4

To make the div size invariant of zooming (But not contents inside it) do the following :
Inside your css for that div :

min-width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;

This will freeze the width, you can do the same for height too.

Pete Wilson
Author by

Pete Wilson

For the past 25 years, I've been a contract software engineer with a lot of experience in back-end and middleware solutions; and low-level, real-time (sometimes embedded) mainly C-language projects. Also SNMPv2 and v3 MIBs and Agents. Over the years, though, I've done so many different and interesting kinds of things that I claim I can call myself a generalist. I consider coding to be a perfectible craft with its own kind of beauty. I'm always looking for new projects: [email protected]

Updated on October 23, 2020


  • Pete Wilson
    Pete Wilson over 3 years

    Is there an html / css / javascipt way to maintain a <div> at a constant size in the face of the user's zooming the page in and out? That is, using control-plus to increase text size and control-minus to reduce it.

    EDIT: The kicker, I guess, is that I want the content of the <div> to stay the same size, too.


    EDIT: My goal was (and is) to keep an AdSense <div> from expanding so much as to obscure a lot of the real content on the page. But come to find out (thank you @thirtydot) there's really no good way to do this. The answer, for me (thank you @Neal!): give the <div> overflow:scroll so as to sacrifice its content rather than the content I'm trying to show.

  • Pete Wilson
    Pete Wilson about 13 years
    I hope I'm wrong but browsers seem to resize all content, including pixel-dimensioned content. Not just pixel-dimensioned, but any-absolute-measure-dimensioned. Please make my hopes come true -- tell me I'm wrong!
  • Naftali
    Naftali about 13 years
    @Pete, browsers only resize content when the content inside is bigger than what is given. you can add overflow: hidden to the css to hide anything that would be outside the boundary
  • james6848
    james6848 about 13 years
    @Pete - You mean that when the user zooms the browser window, you want an element to remain the same absolute size?
  • Pete Wilson
    Pete Wilson about 13 years
    @james6848 -- yes, that's what I mean. Gosh dang it, I should have said 'zoom' instead of 'resize.' I'll edit that right now.
  • Pete Wilson
    Pete Wilson about 13 years
    thanks. I did read those pages -- I don't need another nightmare.
  • corn on the cob
    corn on the cob over 3 years
    If anyone wants a reason why it works, it is because when the user zooms, the viewport width goes down, and the content size goes up. This means that, in this case, it all stays the same, and they all live happily ever after the end.