how to list column in mysql on nodejs with module mysql


You are printing 'fields' first, which is description of fields in the SHOW COLUMNS response. Response rows itself looks like this:

    Field: 'id',
    Type: 'int(11) unsigned',
    Null: 'NO',
    Key: 'PRI',
    Default: null,
    Extra: 'auto_increment'
  /* , ... */

So first column name, for example is:

connection.query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM test', function(err, rows, fields){ 
Author by


Updated on July 12, 2022


  • GuiDrn
    GuiDrn almost 2 years

    I want to list columns in a table using module mysql on nodejs

    When I run the query :

    SHOW COLUMNS FROM tableName WHERE FIELD = columnName

    It's work fine, I can know if the column exist or not.

    But I want to list the columns and I get a list of object and I don't what to do with that and if I get the good result.

    I tried :

    DESCRIBE tableName

    with both queries I get a list of object

    { catalog: 'def',
      db: 'information_schema',
      table: 'COLUMNS',
      orgTable: 'COLUMNS',
      name: 'Field',
      orgName: 'COLUMN_NAME',
      filler1: ,
      charsetNr: 33,
      length: 192,
      type: 253,
      flags: 1,
      decimals: 0,
      filler2: ,
      default: undefined,
      zeroFill: false,
      protocol41: true }
    { catalog: 'def',
      db: 'information_schema',
      table: 'COLUMNS',
      orgTable: 'COLUMNS',
      name: 'Type',
      orgName: 'COLUMN_TYPE',
      filler1: ,
      charsetNr: 33,
      length: 589815,
      type: 252,
      flags: 17,
      decimals: 0,
      filler2: ,
      default: undefined,
      zeroFill: false,
      protocol41: true }
    { catalog: 'def',
      db: 'information_schema',
      table: 'COLUMNS',
      orgTable: 'COLUMNS',
      name: 'Null',
      orgName: 'IS_NULLABLE',
      filler1: ,
      charsetNr: 33,
      length: 9,
      type: 253,
      flags: 1,
      decimals: 0,
      filler2: ,
      default: undefined,
      zeroFill: false,
      protocol41: true }
    { catalog: 'def',
      db: 'information_schema',
      table: 'COLUMNS',
      orgTable: 'COLUMNS',
      name: 'Key',
      orgName: 'COLUMN_KEY',
      filler1: ,
      charsetNr: 33,
      length: 9,
      type: 253,
      flags: 1,
      decimals: 0,
      filler2: ,
      default: undefined,
      zeroFill: false,
      protocol41: true }
    { catalog: 'def',
      db: 'information_schema',
      table: 'COLUMNS',
      orgTable: 'COLUMNS',
      name: 'Default',
      orgName: 'COLUMN_DEFAULT',
      filler1: ,
      charsetNr: 33,
      length: 589815,
      type: 252,
      flags: 16,
      decimals: 0,
      filler2: ,
      default: undefined,
      zeroFill: false,
      protocol41: true }
    { catalog: 'def',
      db: 'information_schema',
      table: 'COLUMNS',
      orgTable: 'COLUMNS',
      name: 'Extra',
      orgName: 'EXTRA',
      filler1: ,
      charsetNr: 33,
      length: 90,
      type: 253,
      flags: 1,
      decimals: 0,
      filler2: ,
      default: undefined,
      zeroFill: false,
      protocol41: true }

    The function I use is the following :

    var mysql = require('mysql');
    var connection = mysql.createConnection({
        host     : "host",
        user     : "user",
        password : "pass",
        database : "db"
    connection.query(myQuery, function(err, rows, fields){ 
        if(err) console.log(err);
        if(fields) console.log(fields);
        if(rows) console.log(rows);

    If someone have a solution for me I tried also to look in information_schema and get the same result. Thanks you in advance.

    At the same time if someone can tell how to use show table I get a similar result.