How to list files in a directory using the Windows API?


Solution 1

HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile("C:\\semester2", &data);       // DIRECTORY

You got the directory because that's what you asked for. If you want the files, ask for them:

HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile("C:\\semester2\\*", &data);  // FILES

(You can instead use *.* if you prefer, but apparently this only works because of a backwards compatibility hack so should probably be avoided. See comments and RbMm's answer.)

Solution 2

Let me take some notes about "*.*" vs "*". These filers are not equal.

2 different files can exist in our folder: somefile and somefile..

If we used the low level api ZwQueryDirectoryFile with "*.*" as a search expression (this is the 10th parameter - FileName [in, optional] ) - we would get somefile. only. But if we used "*" we'd get both files - somefile and somefile.

If we try FindFirstFile("C:\\semester2\\*.*", &data); we can note than both files somefile and somefile. are returned. So here "*.*" vs "*" have the same effect - no difference in usage.

Why does this happen? Because inside FindFirstFileEx in kernelbase (kernel32 ) do special check for "*.*" mask and if it true - replace to "" (An empty name which have the same effect as "*" ).

I think this is done to fix a very common error when users pass "*.*" instead of the correct "*" and for backward compatability with legacy code.

. and .. aren't actually part of the directory as it is stored on disk, but are added by the Win32 API.

This is not true.

  • for FAT-style file system this is really stored on FAT directory as 2 first entry.
  • in NTFS there are no such entries, but NTFS.sys artificially add this 2 entries if they in mask.

So this is done not at Win32 API level, but in kernel - on driver level.

In conclusion, "*.*" will work correct with Win32 API how minimum now - but the correct and clean way is to use "*" here.
"*.*" will be mistake with ZwQueryDirectoryFile api.

Solution 3

Here is an example implementation:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <Windows.h>

    const std::string &directory)
    WIN32_FIND_DATAA findData;
    std::string full_path = directory + "\\*";
    std::vector<std::string> dir_list;

    hFind = FindFirstFileA(full_path.c_str(), &findData);

    if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        throw std::runtime_error("Invalid handle value! Please check your path...");

    while (FindNextFileA(hFind, &findData) != 0)


    return dir_list;

Note: It would be much better to use something like boost::filesystem if your using C++ 11 or std::filesystem if your using C++ 17. Also the input path has to be like C:\path and not C:\path\ otherwise this wont work!!

John Escobia
Author by

John Escobia

Updated on January 20, 2021


  • John Escobia
    John Escobia over 3 years

    I have this code and it displays the folder with the directory itself and not its contents. I want to display its contents. I don't want to use boost::filesystem.

    How can I resolve this?


    #include <windows.h>
    #include <iostream>
    int main()
        WIN32_FIND_DATA data;
        HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile("C:\\semester2", &data);      // DIRECTORY
        if ( hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
            do {
                std::cout << data.cFileName << std::endl;
            } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &data));


  • John Escobia
    John Escobia over 7 years
    Awesome! Thanks! One question, why are there dots (.) before it displays the files? I've edited the output at my question with your change :)
  • Harry Johnston
    Harry Johnston over 7 years
    Every directory (except the root directory) contains a link to itself . and a link to its parent .., if you don't want to include these it is easy to skip them.
  • John Escobia
    John Escobia over 7 years
    Understood. How can it be skipped?
  • Harry Johnston
    Harry Johnston over 7 years
    Nothing sophisticated. Typically just a couple of string comparisons and an if statement.
  • John Escobia
    John Escobia over 7 years
    Ah, okay. Gotcha. Thanks :)
  • David Heffernan
    David Heffernan over 7 years
    *.* is just a throwback to DOS. It is clearer in my view to use * instead.
  • Harry Johnston
    Harry Johnston over 7 years
    That's not true. *.* will find files without extensions. See RbMm's answer for more detail.
  • Harry Johnston
    Harry Johnston over 7 years
    The *.* support is a backwards compatibility feature, short filenames always had extensions. (The extension might be empty, but it was there.) You're right about the dot and double-dot being part of the kernel rather than Win32, I had observed that long paths that used them didn't work at the command line (e.g., tab completion doesn't work) but looking more closely that seems to be something to do with the way cmd.exe works. A long path with a dot works if passed to notepad, for example.
  • RbMm
    RbMm over 7 years
    @HarryJohnston - yes, i fast looking FindFirstFileEx and note that it do special check for "*.*" and fix this to "" - so faster of all for backwards compatibility hack. i however was not familiar with this before, because always use only ZwQueryDirectoryFile in own code, and here "*.*" not return files like somefile (but return somefile.)
  • Harry Johnston
    Harry Johnston over 7 years
    I hope you'll forgive me if I point out that that's one of the reasons why people recommend against using the native API unnecessarily. :-)
  • RbMm
    RbMm over 7 years
    @HarryJohnston - it you'll excuse me that i have mentioned NT api here. it seems like obscene swearword for 99%+ of usermode programmers. but here only for show at which level system do hack for "*.*". about NT api i have another opinion (i think it is right that it does not make such hacks), i like it for direct return error code (at not convert it with loss of accuracy), strict uniformed signatures (compare win32), much more power and effective compare win32, for the possibility wich not exist at all in win32.. but all this already is off-topic here. i not advice to anybode use this :)
  • RbMm
    RbMm over 7 years
    @HarryJohnston - anyway thank you. excuse me my english and native api :)
  • MasterHD
    MasterHD over 3 years
    std::filesystem::path is available since C++ 17 which might be preferable over boost.
  • Ferdi Kedef
    Ferdi Kedef over 3 years
    I know, but some people still use C++ 11