How to make a "Rate this app" link in React Native app?


Solution 1

For iOS you Have to add LSApplicationQueriesSchemes as Array param to Info.plist and add items to it.

For example to AppStore linking I use itms-apps as one of params in this array.

For example:


Your link should be like this


Well. Now you have all stuff to do Link component with method

handleClick () {
    Linking.canOpenURL(link).then(supported => {
        supported && Linking.openURL(link);
    }, (err) => console.log(err));

Solution 2

Use Linking to open up the url to the app store. To construct the proper url, follow the instructions for iOS and/or android. E.g.




Solution 3

This is something similar, it shows an alert box to update the app and it opens the play store or the app store depending on their device os.

function updateAppNotice(){
     const APP_STORE_LINK = 'itms://';
     const PLAY_STORE_LINK = 'market://details?id=myandroidappid';
        'Update Available',
        'This version of the app is outdated. Please update app from the '+(Platform.OS =='ios' ? 'app store' : 'play store')+'.',
            {text: 'Update Now', onPress: () => {
                if(Platform.OS =='ios'){
                    Linking.openURL(APP_STORE_LINK).catch(err => console.error('An error occurred', err));
                    Linking.openURL(PLAY_STORE_LINK).catch(err => console.error('An error occurred', err));

Solution 4

I am using this library. seems pretty good. You just have to specify the package name and App store ID and call the function. And it's cross-platform too.

render() {
        return (
                <Button title="Rate App" onPress={()=>{
                    let options = {
                        preferredAndroidMarket: AndroidMarket.Google,
                    Rate.rate(options, (success)=>{
                        if (success) {
                            // this technically only tells us if the user successfully went to the Review Page. Whether they actually did anything, we do not know.
                } />

Solution 5

2021 Update:

Some of the other answers are quite old, and don't support using the in-app review API added in iOS 10.3 (SKStoreReviewController) and Android 5 (ReviewManager). If you're adding reviews to your React Native app in 2021 you should ideally use these if they are available.

Expo provide a library, , which will use these newer APIs if they are supported on the user's device, and falls back to opening the store page if not.

There is also which has similar functionality, but with a lot more configuration options. E.g. you can decide whether or not to use the in-app API some or all of the time (which might be a good idea, as the in-app API has a lot less friction for the user but you can only ask a few times a year).

Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • vtambourine
    vtambourine almost 2 years

    How to properly link a user to reviews page at App Store app in React Native application on iOS?

  • Anshuul Kai
    Anshuul Kai about 7 years
    What does mt=8 do? I'm wondering if this is region specific and necessary?
  • Kevin Cooper
    Kevin Cooper about 7 years
    This should work fine, but when building for iOS 9+, you need to add LSApplicationQueriesSchemes as described here:
  • Kevin Cooper
    Kevin Cooper about 7 years
    The iOS simulator also doesn't have the Play Store installed, so it will always fail on the simulator :(
  • Kevin Cooper
    Kevin Cooper about 7 years
    Note that LSApplicationQueriesSchemes is only necessary when building for iOS 9+:
  • Kevin Cooper
    Kevin Cooper about 7 years
    The iOS simulator also doesn't have the Play Store installed, so this will always fail on the simulator. You need to test on a real device.
  • mihai1990
    mihai1990 over 6 years
    @AnshulKoka, mt stands for "Media Type" and value 8 corresponds to "Mobile Software Applications". For more info see…
  • Hoàng Vũ Anh
    Hoàng Vũ Anh over 5 years
    How to add LSApplicationQueriesSchemes just like this: <key>LSApplicationQueriesSchemes</key> or..??
  • jneuendorf
    jneuendorf about 5 years
    As of… the value of the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes key is an array containing URLs you want to support.
  • Kruupös
    Kruupös over 4 years
    @HoàngVũAnh <key>LSApplicationQueriesSchemes</key> <array> <string>itms-apps</string> </array>
  • Purvik Rana
    Purvik Rana over 4 years
    More info can be found here…
  • GrayedFox
    GrayedFox about 4 years
    This is outdated for iOS. It tries to open iTunes Store and not App Store.
  • Masadow
    Masadow about 4 years
    @Gezim replace itms:// by itms-apps://
  • mdikici
    mdikici almost 2 years
    If you are using Expo, you must add the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes to the app.json file into the infoPlist object in this format: "LSApplicationQueriesSchemes": [ "itms-apps" ]