How to make a smaller RatingBar?


Solution 1

The default RatingBar widget is sorta' lame.

The source makes reference to style "?android:attr/ratingBarStyleIndicator" in addition to the "?android:attr/ratingBarStyleSmall" that you're already familiar with. ratingBarStyleIndicator is slightly smaller but it's still pretty ugly and the comments note that these styles "don't support interaction".

You're probably better-off rolling your own. There's a decent-looking guide at showing how to do this. (I haven't done it myself yet, but will be attempting in a day or so.)

Good luck!

p.s. Sorry, was going to post a link to the source for you to poke around in but I'm a new user and can't post more than 1 URL. If you dig your way through the source tree, it's located at frameworks/base/core/java/android/widget/

Solution 2

How to glue the code given here ...

Step-1. You need your own rating stars in res/drawable ...

A full star

Empty star

Step-2 In res/drawable you need ratingstars.xml as follow ...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="">
    <item android:id="@android:id/background"
          android:drawable="@drawable/star_empty" />
    <item android:id="@android:id/secondaryProgress"
          android:drawable="@drawable/star_empty" />
    <item android:id="@android:id/progress"
          android:drawable="@drawable/star" />

Step-3 In res/values you need styles.xml as follow ...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <style name="foodRatingBar" parent="@android:style/Widget.RatingBar">
        <item name="android:progressDrawable">@drawable/ratingstars</item>
        <item name="android:minHeight">22dip</item>
        <item name="android:maxHeight">22dip</item>

Step-4 In your layout ...


Solution 3

Just use:


Change the scale factor according to your need.

In order to scale without creating a padding on the left also add


Solution 4

There is no need to add a listener to the ?android:attr/ratingBarStyleSmall. Just add android:isIndicator=false and it will capture click events, e.g.

  android:isIndicator="false" />

Solution 5

the small one implement by the OS

Author by


Android developer beginner, IT School Student

Updated on March 01, 2020


  • Clem
    Clem over 4 years

    I've added a RatingBar in a layout:


    But the default style for the rating bar is too large.
    I've try to change it by adding the android style : style="?android:attr/ratingBarStyleSmall"

    But the result is too small and it's impossible to set a rate with this property.

    How could I do?

  • StackOverflowed
    StackOverflowed about 12 years
    Shoudn't this: <item android:id="@+android:id/secondaryProgress" android:drawable="@drawable/star_empty" /> be "@drawable/star_half" /> or whatever you called it?
  • Gökhan Barış Aker
    Gökhan Barış Aker almost 12 years
    Although visually it is great. click events not working on this solution. do you have any fix for this?
  • Boris Strandjev
    Boris Strandjev over 11 years
    Thanks a bunch. However, just a small comment: you need no image of half star. It will be automatically generated based on the progress.
  • Beer Me
    Beer Me over 11 years
    It works, and it's easy...but the ratingBarStyleSmall stars are really too small to be useful. I think I'll have to roll my own in order to get stars that are an intermediate size.
  • Hubert
    Hubert over 11 years
    just awesome! exactly what I needed. Implemented in 60 secs. Txs
  • Vaibhav Jani
    Vaibhav Jani almost 11 years
    @Vlad Read first line of answer I mentioned from where I get this.
  • Ahmad Dwaik 'Warlock'
    Ahmad Dwaik 'Warlock' almost 11 years
    works perfectly :) but i got 2 issues.. numStars doesnt work anymore, and I cant get it a bit bigger even if I set max and min width
  • Vaibhav Jani
    Vaibhav Jani almost 11 years
    @Warlock numStars working perfectly for me. And AFAIK you will need bigger size of drawable (relative to size you as max/min height/width) to make it bigger.
  • Ahmad Dwaik 'Warlock'
    Ahmad Dwaik 'Warlock' almost 11 years
    I've noticed the size of drawable it worked, and for numStars it works well in filling stars based on rating but it wont set number of visible stars like the standard rating bar so you'll need to set its size... but very well job you did thank you :) +1
  • Andrew
    Andrew over 10 years
    I am having a problem with this solution. In the styles.xml file, I have made the minHeight and maxHeight of the RatingBar be 24dip. Indeed, the View created on screen is 24 dips in height. However, the images used for the stars have not resized and are much bigger than 24. Meaning, half of the stars are "cut off" from view because the view only extends to 24 dips.
  • Vaibhav Jani
    Vaibhav Jani over 10 years
    @Andrew AFAIK There is a limitation of platform that rating stars will not be scaled automatically, so the size of drawables for rating stars must be same with maxHeight and maxWidth.
  • Tsung Wu
    Tsung Wu over 10 years
    It's much better to use ?android:attr/ratingBarStyleSmall and set global rating theme but not use the exactly theme name, thanks a lot;)
  • Admin
    Admin about 10 years
    I have the same problem that @Andrew is there another solution? I can't create a drawable for each screen size.
  • Vaibhav Jani
    Vaibhav Jani about 10 years
    @Alberto You can provide different drawable and corresponding style values in different size/density wise resource folders.
  • Edmond Tamas
    Edmond Tamas almost 10 years
    Thanks @PiedPiper - this saved me a lot of time!! Best explanation ever!
  • Subhalaxmi
    Subhalaxmi almost 10 years
    Hello can i customized the rating bar with different images ?? Not same i want to customized it with 3 different smiles .. Any idea ?
  • Ahmad Dwaik 'Warlock'
    Ahmad Dwaik 'Warlock' almost 10 years
    scaleX scaleY are good but leave ugly padding, if you could get rid of that padding it would be the easiest perfect answer
  • averasko
    averasko over 9 years
    also, they require Android 3.0 / API 11
  • deadfish
    deadfish over 9 years
    isIndicator is the key!
  • Mayur R. Amipara
    Mayur R. Amipara over 9 years
    if we set indicator property android:isIndicator="false" than we will interact with it..
  • hannes ach
    hannes ach about 9 years
    I solve the ugly (right)padding by codeandroid:scaleX="0.75" android:scaleY="0.75" android:layout_marginRight="-25dp"
  • D4rWiNS
    D4rWiNS almost 9 years
    if you want the clicks working use android:isIndicator="false"
  • jean d'arme
    jean d'arme almost 9 years
  • AdamMc331
    AdamMc331 almost 9 years
    The docs imply ratingBarStyleSmall is the smaller of the two. I think your comment is backward.
  • Sharath
    Sharath over 8 years
    Rating bar is not clickable when giving the above code.
  • Pang
    Pang over 8 years
    This is what the OP has already tried and other answers have already mentioned.
  • Nautilus
    Nautilus over 8 years
    Although that looks like the easiest solution, it did not work for me. For some reason there was no effect. Is it because I'm on Android 5.x?
  • Denny
    Denny over 7 years
    Link is broken.
  • Farray
    Farray over 7 years
    @Denny Content is available from Google Cache. I'm not updating the post with the content as I haven't looked at Android rating bars in years, and am not certain if the content in that link is still valid.
  • Ganpat Kaliya
    Ganpat Kaliya over 7 years
    when i use this code for small ratting bar my rating star is streched. how to solve this problem ?
  • Manohar
    Manohar almost 7 years
    you can remove some extra padding by specifying height of rating bar ex : android:layout_height="40dp"
  • murt
    murt over 6 years
    use style="?attr/ratingBarStyleSmall" instead. Answer of Farry works but it gets some random color on Samsung ;*
  • Johan
    Johan over 5 years
    While this code snippet may be the solution, including an explanation really helps to improve the quality of your post. Remember that you are answering the question for readers in the future, and those people might not know the reasons for your code suggestion.