How to make dissolve animation on changing views on iphone?


Solution 1

The animation you're looking for is:

[UIView animateWithDuration: 1.0
                     view1.alpha = 0.0;
                     view2.alpha = 1.0;

A more complete solution, using that animation might be:

- (void) replaceView: (UIView *) currentView withView: (UIView *) newView
    newView.alpha = 0.0;
    [self.view addSubview: newView];

    [UIView animateWithDuration: 1.0
                         currentView.alpha = 0.0;
                         newView.alpha = 1.0;
                     completion:^(BOOL finished) {
                         [currentView removeFromSuperview];

Solution 2

You can also use UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionCrossDissolve in ios5 and later...

[UIView transitionFromView:currentView
                completion:^(BOOL finished) {
                    [currentView removeFromSuperview];

Solution 3

UIView has a method called transition(from:to:duration:options:completion:) that has the following declaration:

class func transition(from fromView: UIView, to toView: UIView, duration: TimeInterval, options: UIViewAnimationOptions = [], completion: ((Bool) -> Void)? = nil)

Creates a transition animation between the specified views using the given parameters.

Among the many UIViewAnimationOptions parameters that you can pass to transition(from:to:duration:options:completion:) is transitionCrossDissolve.

transitionCrossDissolve has the following declaration:

static var transitionCrossDissolve: UIViewAnimationOptions { get }

A transition that dissolves from one view to the next.

The following Swift 3 Playground code shows how to toggle between two UIViews with a cross dissolve transition by using transition(from:to:duration:options:completion:) and transitionCrossDissolve:

import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    let firstView: UIView = {
        let view = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 100, height: 100))
        view.backgroundColor = .red
        return view
    let secondView: UIView = {
        let view = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 100, height: 100))
        view.backgroundColor = .blue
        return view

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        view.backgroundColor = .white

        let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(toggle(_:)))

    func toggle(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
        let presentedView = view.subviews.first === firstView ? firstView : secondView
        let presentingView = view.subviews.first !== firstView ? firstView : secondView        
        UIView.transition(from: presentedView, to: presentingView, duration: 1, options: [.transitionCrossDissolve], completion: nil)


let controller = ViewController()
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = controller
Author by


Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Dmitry
    Dmitry almost 2 years

    How to make dissolve animation on changing views in iphone?

    Dissolve effect: one view is changing another without any movement.

    Thanks a lot for the help!