How to make search using "contains" with DynamoDB


The CONTAINS operator is not available in the query API. You need to use the scan API for this (see this link).

Try the following:

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const documentClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
const SEARCH_KEYWORD = "b";

let params = {
    TableName : 'TABLE_NAME',
    FilterExpression: "contains(#movie_name, :movie_name)",
    ExpressionAttributeNames: {
        "#movie_name": "movie_name",
    ExpressionAttributeValues: {
        ":movie_name": SEARCH_KEYWORD,

documentClient.scan(params, function(err, data) {


    Items: [ 
            movie_id: 2,
            movie_name: 'name b' 
    Count: 1, 
    ScannedCount: 2 

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Skate to Eat
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Skate to Eat

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Skate to Eat
    Skate to Eat almost 2 years

    I'm trying to make search function on my React app.

    I have this DynamoDB table:

    movie_id | movie_name
    1        | name a
    2        | name b

    I want to make a search function to search "b" on the React app's search input and get "name b" from the DB as the result.

    I tried to query with CONTAINS but didn't work and does not seem to be a proper way to do it.

    const SEARCH_KEYWORD = "b";
    let params = {
       TableName : 'TABLE_NAME',
       KeyConditionExpression: "contains(#movie_name, :movie_name)",
         "#movie_name": 'movie_name'
           ":movie_name": SEARCH_KEYWORD
    documentClient.query(params, function(err, data) {

    What is the best way to create search function on my React app with DynamoDB?

    Does it even make sense to run a query by the search keyword to check if the data contains keyword value?

  • Skate to Eat
    Skate to Eat almost 7 years
    Thank you so much! It works! One more question tho, is this ideal way to build search function? or there's better way to do this?
  • Zanon
    Zanon almost 7 years
    @Ohsik, searching with "contains" will never be optimal because it will always require a full scan of the table. This can bring to performance issues if you have a lot of data. However, checking if the name "begins with" can be used with the query API and benefit from indexes, which will greatly improves the performance. But obviously "begins with" is different from "contains".
  • Zanon
    Zanon almost 7 years
    @Ohsik, if you need to use "contains" with millions of rows, I suggest that you look after Elasticsearch integration with DynamoDB.
  • user3277530
    user3277530 over 3 years
    I think that it is possible now
  • user3277530
    user3277530 over 3 years
    you can use it as a filter expression now
  • lopezdp
    lopezdp about 3 years
    Limitation here is that it will only scan through 1mb of data at a time... :(
  • theboshy
    theboshy about 3 years
    how can this be applied to a list of objects instead of a list of plain strings?