How to minify Javascript and CSS with command-line using minify tool?


Solution 1

After searching and implementing it, I give the answer here through a bash file.

I use the npm packages uglifyjs and uglifycss for compressing JS and CSS files respectively. I use command find to loop through those files. I assume js and css files are in a js/ and a css/ folder respectively.

#minification of JS files
find js/ -type f \
    -name "*.js" ! -name "*.min.*" ! -name "vfs_fonts*" \
    -exec echo {} \; \
    -exec uglifyjs -o {}.min {} \;

#minification of CSS files
find css/ -type f \
    -name "*.css" ! -name "*.min.*" \
    -exec echo {} \; \
    -exec uglifycss --output {}.min {} \;

This will minify all js and css files in respective js/ and css/ directories. If you want to exclude some particular folders or patterns within them use the option ! -name

If you want to simply replace the minified file by the original file, that is, removing original file:

#minification of JS files
find js/ -type f \
    -name "*.js" ! -name "*.min.*" ! -name "vfs_fonts*" \
    -exec echo {} \; \
    -exec uglifyjs -o {}.min {} \; \
    -exec rm {} \; \
    -exec mv {}.min {} \;

#minification of CSS files
find css/ -type f \
    -name "*.css" ! -name "*.min.*" \
    -exec echo {} \; \
    -exec uglifycss --output {}.min {} \; \
    -exec rm {} \; \
    -exec mv {}.min {} \;

Solution 2

sudo apt-get install yui-compressor
yui-compressor finename.css > filename.min.css

Sources :


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João Pimentel Ferreira
Author by

João Pimentel Ferreira

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • João Pimentel Ferreira
    João Pimentel Ferreira almost 2 years

    I'm not that versed in unix and I cannot have Java, so YUI Compressor does not apply, but I have this known Minify tool, which will get a minified version of a JS/CSS file from a specific URI /min/?f=/path/to/file.js.css

    Which unix commands may I use, using such method, to minify all the js/css files on the public_html folder, replacing all js/css files by their minified versions?

  • João Pimentel Ferreira
    João Pimentel Ferreira over 6 years
    I cannot use Yum
  • FIfi
    FIfi over 6 years
    I'm sorry ! I knew this is not the perfect solution, but I through it could help others. I hope that since December 2016 you found a solution !
  • MichielB
    MichielB over 6 years
    This solution uses yui-compressor, which uses Java. The question stated I cannot have Java, so YUI Compressor does not apply
  • Christophe Ferreboeuf
    Christophe Ferreboeuf over 5 years
    Is there a possibility to not rename but to have them like myScript.js and myScript.min.js ?
  • João Pimentel Ferreira
    João Pimentel Ferreira over 5 years
    @ChristopheFerreboeuf yes, remove the last two lines -exec rm {} \; and -exec mv {}.min {} \;
  • caot
    caot over 3 years
    npm minify doesn't have -o option that needs redirect >. How to make it work through changing -exec uglifyjs -o {}.min {} \; ?