How to mock python's in a class method for unit testing?


Solution 1

You could use freezegun :

from freezegun import freeze_time

def test():
    assert != datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 14)
    with freeze_time("2012-01-14"):
        assert == datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 14)
    assert != datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 14)

It basically mocks datetime module calls.

Solution 2

You'd create a function that returns a specific datetime, localized to the timezone passed in:

import mock

def mocked_get_now(timezone):
    dt = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 10, 10, 10)
    return timezone.localize(dt)

@mock.patch('', side_effect=mocked_get_now)
def your_test(self, mock_obj):
    # Within this test, `MyClass.get_now()` is a mock that'll return a predictable
    # timezone-aware datetime object, set to 2012-01-01 10:10:10.

That way you can test if the resulting timezone-aware datetime is correctly being handled; results elsewhere should show the correct timezone but will have a predictable date and time.

You use the mocked_get_now function as a side-effect when mocking get_now; whenever code calls get_now the call is recorded by mock, and mocked_get_now is called, and it's return value used as the value returned to the caller of get_now.

Solution 3

I'm using date, but the same idea should work for datetime:

class SpoofDate(date):
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        return date.__new__(date, *args, **kwargs)


from mock import patch

@patch('', SpoofDate)
def testSomething(self): = classmethod(lambda cls : date(2012, 9, 24))

Where some.module imports date. Patch is replacing the imported date with SpoofDate, which you can then redefine to do whatever you want.

Solution 4

Here's the most elegant way to do this IMO:

import datetime
from unittest import mock

test_now = datetime.datetime(1856, 7, 10)
with mock.patch('datetime.datetime', wraps=datetime.datetime) as dt:
    print( # calls the real thing = test_now
    print( # calls the mocked value

The advantages here is that you needn't patch the datetime module via the tested module's local attribute, it supports calling unmocked methods, and it doesn't require any external imports.

Solution 5

Having asked this question originally...

As @Jocelyn delalande suggested, I've been happily using freezegun for years now.

Another option is python-libfaketime, which can be much faster than freezegun, but doesn't work on Windows and sounds a bit fiddly.

A newer option is time-machine, introduced in this blog post that compares the three options.

Phil Gyford
Author by

Phil Gyford

Web developer/designer/dabbler. Ran the ten year Diary of Samuel Pepys project, among other things.

Updated on January 06, 2022


  • Phil Gyford
    Phil Gyford over 2 years

    I'm trying to write tests for a class that has methods like:

    import datetime
    import pytz
    class MyClass:
        def get_now(self, timezone):
        def do_many_things(self, tz_string='Europe/London'):
            tz = pytz.timezone(tz_string)
            localtime_now = self.get_now(tz)
            return things

    I want to test it, and to do so I need to make sure that the call returns something predictable.

    I've been reading lots of examples of using Mock in tests, but haven't found anything quite like what I need, and I can't work out how to use it in my tests.

    I separated the get_now() method out in case it's easier to mock that, instead of, but I'm still stumped. Any thoughts on how to write UnitTests for this using Mock? (This is all in Django, fwiw; I'm not sure if this makes a difference in this case.)

  • zakiakhmad
    zakiakhmad about 9 years
    @FearlessFuture did you just replace date with datetime? Can you write the implementation in datetime.
  • FearlessFuture
    FearlessFuture about 9 years
    @zakiakhmad, below is an example of what I did: class StubDate(datetime.datetime): pass @mock.patch("friend.datetime.datetime", StubDate) def test_generate_date(self): # Make return a fixed value = classmethod(lambda cls: datetime.datetime(2015, 03, 11, 11, 01)) self.assertEqual( self.friend_obj.generate_date(input), datetime.datetime(2015, 03, 11, 11, 01)) > Blockquote
  • zakiakhmad
    zakiakhmad about 9 years
    @FearlessFuture thanks a lot! I wrote the gist here for a better readability.
  • Avinash Raj
    Avinash Raj over 8 years
    @MartijnPieters can't able to import mock
  • Martijn Pieters
    Martijn Pieters over 8 years
    @AvinashRaj mock is an add-on package, install it with pip. With Python 3 it is included as unittest.mock.
  • Montaro
    Montaro over 7 years
    Thanks, It works! However the first assertion did not because the month token was not accepted in this format: 01 but datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 14) works.
  • Andrey Belyak
    Andrey Belyak about 5 years
    freezegun is slow, especially if you test logic with multiple calls to
  • Andrey Belyak
    Andrey Belyak about 5 years
    Thank you, works much better and simpler than any other solutions