How to modify KendoUI DropDownList items


Yo mate

You should use the dataSource of the combobox. e.g.

var ds = $('#YourCombo').data().kendoComboBox.dataSource;

then you can modify the items like this

//someIndex is the index of the item in the dataSource[someIndex].set("text","Cool! its changed");

to add item or remove use the add and remove methods of the dataSource

ds.add({text:"Test again!",value:"5"});
Author by


Updated on July 17, 2022


  • dasheddot
    dasheddot almost 2 years

    We used the Kendo UI DropDownList the first time without binding with knockout. Via jquery a usual html input is transformed into a KendoUI DropDownList. But how can i remove/edit/add items to the options?

    If i modify the html inputs options via jquery it has no influence on the kendoui dropdown - even with a refresh call afterwards.

    Any ideas how to do this? Thanks

  • theycallmemorty
    theycallmemorty over 11 years
    OP was actually asking about a kendoDropDownList but I've found that this method works just as well for DropDownLists as it does for ComboBoxes
  • Kala J
    Kala J over 9 years
    In this case, what would I define as my datasource? do I need a datasource?