How to monitor a windows log file in real time?


Solution 1

I've been using BareTailPro for awhile, and have been very pleased. It hasn't been updated in awhile, but it still meets my needs. There's also a free version.

Here's some of the features:

  • View files of any size (> 2GB)
  • Configurable highlighting
  • Monitor multiple files simultaneously
  • High-performance search algorithm
  • Regular expression text search
  • Filter tail mode (include or exclude lines)

Solution 2

There's also an equivalent to "tail -f" under Windows, if you have PowerShell installed:

type -wait

Solution 3

I use Notepad++ as my default text editor on all my systems, and it has the nice bonus of having this built-in - just go Plugins -> Document Monitor -> Start to monitor. You can also use File -> Reload from disk to manually reload it.

Solution 4

You don't mention which platform you're using, but on Unix-like systems the tail command does this:

tail -f /var/log/messages

In fact there are implementations of tail for Windows also (eg. unxutils).

Solution 5

Actually, Log-Expert does what you want, plus a lot of nice feature

Features for Log-Exprt


Related videos on Youtube

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I like to read, and build(& break?) stuff. Currently helping folks out on r/reactjs & DEV#react. Reach out to me @dance2die & check out my blog on

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • dance2die
    dance2die almost 2 years

    On windows how can I easily monitor a log file and see updates to the file in real time?

    Basically, same functionality like tail -f log_file on Unix systems

    Platform: Windows XP/2003/2008 server

    [Update] this is quite handy for a quick monitoring(thanks to Ckarras's answer)
    Quick screen shot of PowerShell type -wait (type is an alias for get-content) alt text

    • chickeninabiscuit
      chickeninabiscuit about 15 years
      Which IDE are you using?
    • Pacerier
      Pacerier almost 9 years
      @Sung, Do you need readonly or editable?
    • MikeSchinkel
      MikeSchinkel over 2 years
      Why was this question marked off-topic?!?
    • dance2die
      dance2die over 2 years
      @MikeSchinkel Folks who closed marked it as "they tend to become obsolete quickly." It's a very old question so probably so.
    • MikeSchinkel
      MikeSchinkel over 2 years
      @dance2die — It is very frustrating to search for answers to real tech questions that I have only to find the question that could have possibly answered my question was closed by the pendants on the site for some arcane reason. It has me leaving the site with a negative feeling about the sites. And I say this as a former moderator on one of StackExchange sites. #justsaying
    • dance2die
      dance2die over 2 years
      @MikeSchinkel This question does have potential should I had kept it up to date. Hopefully folks w/ enough reps can reopen and reply with latest ways
    • Rory
      Rory over 2 years
      How is this question even remotely off-topic?! Monitoring windows log files, sounds a lot like the first two bullet points of "on-topic" items listed here
  • Michael Haren
    Michael Haren about 15 years
    The advanced features feel a little buggy but for simply tailing the file, it's perfect.
  • dance2die
    dance2die about 15 years
    But doesn't this mean I have to be running the command constantly?
  • user122302
    user122302 about 15 years
    No, the tail command will wait after printing the last line, and when the file is updated/appended it will print the new line(s) and wait again. Instead of plain tail you might try
  • dance2die
    dance2die about 15 years
    Because of "tail" stuff people were mentioning, I found something called "BareTail" - So far it seems to be doing what I wanted. But I am open for more suggestions.
  • Jorge Alves
    Jorge Alves about 15 years
    That one looks nice to know about too.
  • dance2die
    dance2die about 15 years
    +1 Wow, I have been using Notepad++ for awhile but didn't know about this functionality. thanks.
  • Chris Canal
    Chris Canal about 15 years
    He also said for the Windows OS.
  • Chris Canal
    Chris Canal about 15 years
    He edited his post to say it's for Windows OS only.
  • EricMinick
    EricMinick about 15 years
    There are plenty of versions of tail for Windows, including in cygwin.
  • Sophie Alpert
    Sophie Alpert about 15 years
    Not when I answered, he hadn't.
  • dance2die
    dance2die about 15 years
    Would you post link to Kiwi Log Viewer? I am not sure if this one I found is the one you are referring to:
  • dance2die
    dance2die about 15 years
    Great! I didn't get to run into this one.
  • dance2die
    dance2die about 15 years
    It looks like TextPad has a the same capability as NotePad++'s Document Monitor plugin
  • dance2die
    dance2die about 15 years
    Hmm. Cygwin. I haven't played around with that for years...
  • DougN
    DougN about 15 years
    Yeah, that's the one --
  • dance2die
    dance2die almost 15 years
    This is what (BareTail Free version) I settled with for now. Thanks Rob
  • dance2die
    dance2die almost 15 years
    Wow. this is quite awesome. I had no idea about that "-wait" option for "Get-Content". Thanks ckarras. I have also updated question with the screenshot.
  • Jacko
    Jacko over 13 years
    yeah, this solution rocks. Better than notepad++, which only updates every 3 seconds, and is a bit flaky.
  • Lior Alon
    Lior Alon about 12 years
    @Scott can be downloaded as a plugin
  • Lior Alon
    Lior Alon about 12 years
    +1 from me too. I love Notepad++ but didn't even think of looking for a plugin. Bye bye BareTail.
  • Ryan Ries
    Ryan Ries over 11 years
    Have an upvote for giving an answer that shows you can do this right out of the box if you know how to use OS and that you don't need to install 3rd party tools.
  • Sameer Alibhai
    Sameer Alibhai about 9 years
    Plus its free :)
  • Pacerier
    Pacerier almost 9 years
    @VonC, Any disclaimers?
  • VonC
    VonC almost 9 years
    @Pacerier none that I can think of. But that was 6 years ago.
  • user
    user over 6 years
    This is much slow for big files with long lines and the last update is from 2006 (12 years ago). The best program is pointed on this other answer Log viewer on Windows. The program glogg despite being simpler than this, handles big files with much better performance, was updated just last year, is open source ( and has support to Windows, Linux and Max OSX.
  • Stevoisiak
    Stevoisiak almost 6 years
    For those of us unfamiliar with tail -f, what does type -wait do?
  • ckarras
    ckarras almost 6 years
    It continuously watches the file for appended data and writes the new content to the console
  • montonero
    montonero over 3 years
    +1 to this answer. LogExpert is by far the best free log monitoring tool. Much better than Baretail (which doesn't even have search in free version).
  • kapitan
    kapitan over 3 years
    wow, i didnt knew this exists. ive been kicking my ass on the tail -f command [+1]
  • Jovylle Bermudez
    Jovylle Bermudez over 2 years
    wait what is the sample use