How to monitor CPU/memory usage of a single process?


Solution 1

On Linux, top actually supports focusing on a single process, although it naturally doesn't have a history graph:

top -p PID

This is also available on Mac OS X with a different syntax:

top -pid PID

Solution 2


2020 update (Linux/procfs-only). Returning to the problem of process analysis frequently enough and not being satisfied with the solutions I described below originally, I decided to write my own. It's a pure-Python CLI package including its couple of dependencies (no heavy Matplotlib), can potentially plot many metrics from procfs, JSONPath queries to the process tree, has basic decimation/aggregation (Ramer-Douglas-Peucker and moving average), filtering by time ranges and PIDs, and a couple of other things.

pip3 install --user procpath

Here's an example with Firefox. This records all processes with "firefox" in their cmdline (query by a PID would look like '$..children[?( == 42)]') 120 times one time per second.

procpath record -i 1 -r 120 -d ff.sqlite '$..children[?("firefox" in @.cmdline)]'

Plotting RSS and CPU usage of a single process (or several) out of all recorded would look like:

procpath plot -d ff.sqlite -q cpu -p 123 -f cpu.svg
procpath plot -d ff.sqlite -q rss -p 123 -f rss.svg

Charts look like this (they are actually interactive Pygal SVGs):



The following addresses history graph of some sort. Python psrecord package does exactly this.

pip install psrecord                             # local user install
sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib python-tk # for plotting; or via pip

For single process it's the following (stopped by Ctrl+C):

psrecord $(pgrep proc-name1) --interval 1 --plot plot1.png

For several processes the following script is helpful to synchronise the charts:

psrecord $(pgrep proc-name1) --interval 1 --duration 60 --plot plot1.png &
psrecord $(pgrep proc-name2) --interval 1 --duration 60 --plot plot2.png &
wait $P1 $P2
echo 'Done'

Charts look like: psrecord example


The package provides RSS-only sampling (plus some Python-specific options). It can also record process with its children processes (see mprof --help).

pip install memory_profiler
mprof run /path/to/executable
mprof plot

By default this pops up a Tkinter-based (python-tk may be needed) chart explorer which can be exported:


graphite-stack & statsd

It may seem an overkill for a simple one-off test, but for something like a several-day debugging it's, for sure, reasonable. A handy all-in-one raintank/graphite-stack (from Grafana's authors) image and psutil and statsd client. provides an implementation.

$ docker run --rm -p 8080:3000 -p 8125:8125/udp raintank/graphite-stack

Then in another terminal, after starting target process:

$ sudo apt-get install python-statsd python-psutil # or via pip
$ python -s localhost -f chromium -r 'chromium.*'

Then opening Grafana at http://localhost:8080, authentication as admin:admin, setting up datasource https://localhost, you can plot a chart like:

grafana chart

graphite-stack & telegraf

Instead of Python script sending the metrics to Statsd, telegraf (and procstat input plugin) can be used to send the metrics to Graphite directly.

Minimal telegraf configuration looks like:

  interval = "1s"

  servers = ["localhost:2003"]
  prefix = "testprfx"

  pid_file = "/path/to/file/"

Then run line telegraf --config minconf.conf. Grafana part is the same, except metrics names.


pidstat (part of sysstat package) can produce output that can be easily parsed. It's useful in case when you need extra metrics from the process(es), e.g. most useful 3 groups (CPU, memory and disk) contain: %usr, %system, %guest, %CPU, minflt/s, majflt/s, VSZ, RSS, %MEM, kB_rd/s, kB_wr/s, kB_ccwr/s. I described it in a related answer.

Solution 3

htop is a great replacement to top. It has... Colors! Simple keyboard shortcuts! Scroll the list using the arrow keys! Kill a process without leaving and without taking note of the PID! Mark multiple processes and kill them all!

Among all of the features, the manpage says you can press F to follow a process.

Really, you should try htop. I never started top again, after the first time I used htop.

Display a single process:

htop -p PID

Solution 4

Using top and awk one could easily create e.g. a comma separated log of %CPU ($9) + %MEM ($10) usage that can later be fed into any statistics and graphing tool.

top -b -d $delay -p $pid | awk -v OFS="," '$1+0>0 {
print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),$1,$NF,$9,$10; fflush() }'

Output will be like

2019-03-26 17:43:47,2991,firefox,13.0,5.2
2019-03-26 17:43:48,2991,firefox,4.0,5.2
2019-03-26 17:43:49,2991,firefox,64.0,5.3
2019-03-26 17:43:50,2991,firefox,71.3,5.4
2019-03-26 17:43:51,2991,firefox,67.0,5.4

This won't give good results for large $delay, though, because the printed timestamp is actually $delay behind due to how top's output works. Without going into too much detail, 1 simple way around this is to log the time provided by top:

top -b -d $delay -p $pid | awk -v OFS="," '$1=="top"{ time=$3 }
$1+0>0 { print time,$1,$NF,$9,$10; fflush() }'

Then the timestamp is accurate, but output will still be delayed by $delay.

Solution 5

To use that information on a script you can do this:

nTimes=10; # customize it
delay=0.1; # customize it
strCalc=`top -d $delay -b -n $nTimes -p $nPid \
  |grep $nPid \
  |sed -r -e "s;\s\s*; ;g" -e "s;^ *;;" \
  |cut -d' ' -f9 \
  |tr '\n' '+' \
  |sed -r -e "s;(.*)[+]$;\1;" -e "s/.*/scale=2;(&)\/$nTimes/"`;
nPercCpu=`echo "$strCalc" |bc -l`
echo $nPercCpu

use like: 1234 where 1234 is the pid

For the specified $nPid, it will measure the average of 10 snapshots of the cpu usage in a whole of 1 second (delay of 0.1s each * nTimes=10); that provides a good and fast accurate result of what is happening in the very moment.

Tweak the variables to your needs.


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Author by


Updated on September 17, 2022


  • richardtallent
    richardtallent almost 2 years

    I would like to monitor one process's memory / cpu usage in real time. Similar to top but targeted at only one process, preferably with a history graph of some sort.

    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      Memory usage over a given time frame, current usage, maximum usage, average.
    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      What memory statistics do you want? There are lots of them.
  • Mark Norgren
    Mark Norgren almost 14 years
    And since you may not want to look up the PID every time, try something like top -p `pgrep -f /usr/bin/kvm`.
  • Mark Norgren
    Mark Norgren almost 14 years
    I use Cacti to monitor some individual processes, but installing a full blown Cacti installation sounds too complex for the simple situation asked here.
  • richardtallent
    richardtallent almost 14 years
    @Stefan: I'm assuming I would have to run that remotely?
  • Mark Norgren
    Mark Norgren almost 14 years
    @Josh : Yes you would need to run Cacti (Which requires MySQL, Apache and few other packages) on another server. On most distros, it's pretty simple to install using Yum or apt-get.
  • Mark Norgren
    Mark Norgren almost 14 years
    I used daemontools for years. It's great as a supervisor/watchdog for other processes. How does it help you monitor CPU/memory usage for one process?
  • Barthelemy
    Barthelemy over 13 years
    +1 for htop. This is one of the first program I install on a new system. It makes my life much easier. The tree view is also very handy.
  • tshepang
    tshepang over 13 years
    top also has colors. Press z.
  • Denilson Sá Maia
    Denilson Sá Maia over 13 years
    You're right! top has colors! Too bad its colors are quite useless, specially when compared to htop (which fades other users processes and highlights the program basename).
  • AvatarOfChronos
    AvatarOfChronos almost 12 years
    top can also kill processes without leaving. Just hit k.
  • slm
    slm about 10 years
    You'll likely want to add further details around which version(s) of top actually provide this feature. My version on Fedora 19 does not. Same too on Ubuntu 13.04.
  • Kieleth
    Kieleth about 10 years
    You're right!, I was so happy of having found something useful, I forgot I was in my mac at home.
  • klerk
    klerk about 10 years
    @Stefan if you want to to check remotly you can do ssh@remotehost 'top -p PID > ~hostname_pid.txt; exit'and
  • noisebleed
    noisebleed over 9 years
    And htop -p PID will work too, just like the example given by @Michael Mrozek.
  • lepe
    lepe about 9 years
    Then only reason to use top, is because htop is not available or can't be installed. That is why htop was created, to provide much more features.
  • dhag
    dhag about 9 years
    That's pretty much what the accepted answer, from years ago, and its first comment say.
  • Admin
    Admin over 6 years
    This is misleading since the ps command doesn't show the current cpu usage of the process, see:….
  • Admin
    Admin over 6 years
    @SteveChávez thanks.
  • EralpB
    EralpB about 6 years
    pgrep systemd is giving multiple lines of output, and thus bugs the psrecord, what should be done? I just want to test with any process.
  • saaj
    saaj about 6 years
    @EralpB pgrep --help to the rescue. There's at least --newest and --oldest.
  • user2561747
    user2561747 over 5 years
    This should be the accepted answer, since it actually gives a memory usage history plot. Note for the psrecord method, Ctrl+C on the psrecord process just quits without saving a plot, you need to end the process-under-test.
  • xebeche
    xebeche over 5 years
    Uhm, 10 processes to monitor the cpu usage of 1?
  • Aquarius Power
    Aquarius Power over 5 years
    @xebeche "it will measure the average of 10 snapshots" "nTimes=10; # customize it" :)
  • xebeche
    xebeche over 5 years
    I meant I don't like the fact that you call 10 processes to retrieve 1 number ($nPercCpu): shell, top, grep, sed, cut ... bc. Many if not all of these you could for instance merge into 1 Sed or Awk script.
  • Aquarius Power
    Aquarius Power over 5 years
    @xebeche cool, feel free to edit adding a better command to the existing one (as an alternative), you got my curiosity :)
  • xebeche
    xebeche over 5 years
    I've added my own answer. BTW, note that there is no point in calculating an average because top's output is an average over $delay. Cf. How to calculate the CPU usage
  • rkok
    rkok over 4 years
    psrecord worked well, thank you. To get it to work on a server without a GUI (X11) I had to configure matplotlibrc as described in
  • Gus
    Gus over 4 years
    A simple one-liner if you want to run a command and profile it with psrecord right away: my-command & psrecord $! --interval 1 --plot plot1.png. $! returns the PID of the last executed command, so you don't need to pgrep. And using a single & runs my-command detached, meaning that the shell won't wait for it to finish before running psrecord.
  • SuB
    SuB over 4 years
    How can i monitor specific thread of a process? I have passed id of thread as argument of psrecord but it plotted cpu usage of process instead of specified thread!
  • sshow
    sshow about 4 years
    There is also the pidof utility, which proves useful combined with this. top -p $(pidof firefox | tr ' ' ','), using tr to turn spaces into commas.