How to obtain last insert id in Oracle using MyBatis?


Solution 1

Something like this should work

class User {
  int userId

<insert id="addUser" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyColumn="user_id" keyProperty="userId">
  INSERT INTO user(login, name,...) VALUES(#{login}, #{name},...

Solution 2

For me it works like this (mybatis 3)

<insert id="create" parameterType="Project" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="project.projectId" keyColumn="PROJECT_ID">

No need for selectKey. Just sure to put the correct value in keyProperty.. I have a trigger before insert in oracle to get next id from sequence.

Alternatively this works also:

<insert id="createEmpty" statementType="CALLABLE" parameterType="Panelist">
    #{panelist.panelistId,mode=OUT,jdbcType=INTEGER}; END;
Author by


Updated on June 15, 2022


  • mduck
    mduck almost 2 years

    I'm inserting some data into an Oracle table and need to retrieve the id of the inserted row. Said id is being generated by a sequence and then inserted to the table by a trigger.

    Now, I know there are several ways to get the id of the inserted row when using JDBC, but since I'm using MyBatis to execute the INSERT command, I can't seem to figure out how to obtain the id after inserting my data. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  • mduck
    mduck about 11 years
    What if another insertion is made to the table just before I go and select the current value from the sequence? Would I get the newly generated id? Or would it give me the right one based on the session?
  • Jirawat Uttayaya
    Jirawat Uttayaya about 11 years
    Is your session making the insertion into the table or another session? Is it You Insert table; Insert table; id_seq.currval; Or You: insert table Someone else: insert table You: is_seq.currval In the first scenario, id_seq.currval will return the second table id. In the second scenario, id_seq.currval will return your id for table insertion.
  • mduck
    mduck about 11 years
    Yes, another session may be doing the insertion.
  • Jirawat Uttayaya
    Jirawat Uttayaya about 11 years
    If it is another session, then currval is guaranteed by Oracle to return the ID your session last used.
  • mduck
    mduck about 11 years
    Thanks. What I don't get yet is how to catch the value returned by the insertion. Is Sqlsession.insert() supposed to return this value instead of the number of inserted rows?
  • natros
    natros about 11 years
    In my example, the generated key is stored back in User.userId