How to open the popup window in the same inappwebview Flutter?


If you don't want to open the redirection URL in a separate window. In Razorpay's global configuration you have to pass redirect: true instead of passing it in the data object passed in createPayment() method;

 this.configOptions = {
    key: process.env.VUE_APP_API_KEY,
    redirect: true,
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
  window.rz = new Razorpay(this.configOptions);
Yashwardhan Pauranik
Author by

Yashwardhan Pauranik

Updated on December 02, 2022


  • Yashwardhan Pauranik
    Yashwardhan Pauranik over 1 year

    I've integrated the RazorPay Custom Checkout, where I have created a custom design for the good UX.

    I'm opening this customized web app in the inappwebview a Flutter plugin. The web app is opening correctly, but as soon as Razorpay's SDK function createPayment(data) runs it opens a window popup. This popup is now not visible inside the webview.

    Flutter code to invoke webview:

      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return WillPopScope(
          onWillPop: _handleBackPress,
          child: SafeArea(
            child: Scaffold(
              body: InAppWebView(
                initialUrlRequest: URLRequest(
                  url: Uri.parse(Strings.checkoutUrl),
                initialOptions: InAppWebViewGroupOptions(
                  crossPlatform: InAppWebViewOptions(
                    clearCache: true,
                    javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically: true, // I thought this will help, but not working
                    mediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture: false,
                  android: AndroidInAppWebViewOptions(useHybridComposition: true),
                  ios: IOSInAppWebViewOptions(allowsInlineMediaPlayback: true),
                onWebViewCreated: (controller) async {
                  _controller = controller;
                    handlerName: 'PaymentHandle',
                    callback: (data) {
                      // ... Will do somthing
                onLoadStop: (_, __) async {
                  await _controller.evaluateJavascript(source: '''
                      window.parent.postMessage(${widget.paymentJsonData}, "*");

    Code to invoke the createPayment(): This function is called on the webapp when user clicks a button.

        async makePayment() {
          try {
            const data = {
              callback_url: '<Callback URL>',
              redirect: true,
              amount: 50000,
              email: '[email protected]',
              contact: '9123456780',
              order_id: 'order_<order_hash>',
              method: 'upi',
              upi: {
                vpa: this.vpa, // Fetch from input field
                flow: 'collect,',
            window.rz.focus(); // Found in RazorPay's document to bring the window in focus. Not working on Webview
          } catch (e) {

    PS - Initialization of RazorPay is working correctly. And we running the Webview on the browser stand alone. The popup is opening correclty