How to overload Python's __bool__ method?


You should define __nonzero__() in Python 2.x. It was only renamed to __bool__() in Python 3.x. (The name __nonzero__() actually predates the introduction of the bool type by many years.)

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I am a enthusiast in science and philosophy in general. I am a chemist by training. But is currently doing computer programming for work. I am especially interested in the following: Biology: Evolutionary biology, Genomics, Neural Science Computers: Operation systems Programming languages Distributed computing

Updated on September 02, 2020


  • dividebyzero
    dividebyzero almost 4 years

    Possible Duplicate:
    defining “boolness” of a class in python

    I thought this should print "False", why is it printing "True"?

    >>> class Foo(object):
    ...   def __bool__(self):
    ...     return False
    >>> f = Foo()
    >>> if f:
    ...   print "True"
    ... else:
    ...   print "False"
  • Mehmet Kaan ERKOÇ
    Mehmet Kaan ERKOÇ about 2 years
    It is strange that I could not find that information anywhere else but in your answer. Thanks a lot !
  • Sven Marnach
    Sven Marnach about 2 years
    @MehmetKaanERKOÇ The documentation for most of the magic methods is on the data model page of the Python reference. Differences between Python 2 and 3 are mostly documented in the What's New page of Python 3.0. I'll admit this is not easy to find if you don't know what you are looking for.