How to overwrite JavaScript object values using Object()


Solution 1

You could just do this - looping through an array of the keys:

let myMap1 = {};
let myMap2 = {};

myMap1["key1"] = "value1";
myMap1["key2"] = "value2";
myMap1["key3"] = "value3";

// create an array of the keys in the object myMap1
let myMap1_keys = Object.keys(myMap1);

// loop through the array of object keys
for (let i = 0; i < myMap1_keys.length; i++) {
  myMap2[myMap1_keys[i]] = myMap1[myMap1_keys[i]];

I would advise not using a loop i.e. as used in one of the other answers as these are slower than a native for loop (as used above). You can see some details regarding performance here: Comparing JavaScript loops performance (for, do while, for in)

If you are just interested in literally duplicating the object you can do that like so:

let myMap2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(myMap1));

Anouther answer suggested using Object.assign() and anouther suggested using ES6 spread operators but these will 'shallow' copy the object which means the objects are using references to the original object and will only copy the top level of the object - the method above deep copies the object which I usually find is what is required for most use cases and will copy every level of the object.

Solution 2

for (let key in map1) {
    map2[key] = map1[key];

BTW why you dont use Object.assign(); ? (notice: it returns a new object)

let update = { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" };
let map2 = Object.assign({}, map1, update);

Solution 3

Simply use Object.assign(map2, map1) to update map2 (copy key/value of map1 to map2)

Or you can use,

map2 = {...map2, ...map1} to build a new object and replace the map2 completely

To have a deep copy, instead of only first level you can use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(map2)) instead of map2. If you think, its a large object and that impact performance, go for a nested implementation of copy recursively! ;-)

Author by


Updated on September 17, 2020


  • NellaGnute
    NellaGnute over 3 years

    I am still somewhat new to JavaScript, Node, etc. and come from a Groovy background (which has extremely similar syntax to JavaScript). In Groovy, I can easily do something like this:

    def myMap1 = {};
    def myMap2 = {};
    myMap1["key1"] = "value1";
    myMap1["key2"] = "value2";
    myMap1["key3"] = "value3";
    myMap1.each() { key, value =>
        myMap2[key] = value;

    This would iterate through the existing map (myMap1) and copy the values for each key to the new map (myMap2), with the same key names. Easy as pie. However, JS has a concept of the prototype, which has been driving me crazy because you have to use hasOwnProperty, the index of the item sort of thing, etc and it results in a lot of code for something that's supposed to be really simple.

    Looking at the MDN docs for Object(), it looks like JS has implemented something that allows a developer to access key/value pairs without having to deal with prototyping and all of that stuff, and you can just access the data in the object, and not properties of the object. I now have this:

    var existingData = {"foo":"thing","bar":"otherThing","baz":"whatever"};
    var update = {"foo":"newStuff","bar":"thisChanged","baz":"arghh"};
    for (const [ key, value ] of Object.entries(update)) {
        console.log("Old value is " + existingData[key]);
        existingData[key] = value;
        console.log("Setting " + existingData[key] + " to " + value);

    I would think this would work, but I get this in the console instead:

    Old value is undefined
    Setting thing to thing
    Old value is undefined
    Setting otherThing to otherThing
    Old value is undefined
    Setting whatever to whatever

    It looks like existingData[key] does not reference the key in the key/value pair, but instead the value or something? How do I tell it, "for this key name in this second object, set this value?" I've been searching forever on Google and everything is either doing it the old way (with indexes) or is overly complicated for no particular reason. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Koushik Chatterjee
    Koushik Chatterjee over 5 years
    Well, Object.assign(map2, map1) will mutate map2 and you don't need really to reassign it to map2
  • Matthew P
    Matthew P over 5 years
    Object.assign will only shallow copy the object
  • Matthew P
    Matthew P over 5 years
    Using Object.assign and the es6 spread operators will only shallow copy the object
  • Koushik Chatterjee
    Koushik Chatterjee over 5 years
    @matthew257 Hmm, and not deep copy, for nested objects/array it will be just the reference to the same object. But I think OP is bothered about only first level.
  • Matthew P
    Matthew P over 5 years
    yep, always think it is best to play it safe though and just use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object));
  • Matthew P
    Matthew P over 5 years
    It'll also only copy the top level of the object
  • Koushik Chatterjee
    Koushik Chatterjee over 5 years
    Yup, I agree! instead of using map2 better to use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(map2)) if need a deep copy.
  • NellaGnute
    NellaGnute over 5 years
    Both of these appear to work: existingData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(update)); existingData = Object.assign({}, update, update); But now I get an error when I do a later .save(): TypeError: is not a function
  • Matthew P
    Matthew P over 5 years
    .save isn't a js function - what are you trying to do with the .save
  • Matthew P
    Matthew P over 5 years
    Also, if you are happy that this answer answers the original question can you mark this answer as the answer - the tick sign - so it shows as resolved? on the .save issue, it might be better to open a new issue on StackOverFlow
  • NellaGnute
    NellaGnute over 5 years
    This is in fact the answer, as it solved my original problem and dealt with the shallow copy issue as well, but to answer your question, the .save is being used with await for the purpose of mongoose/MongoDB update, like this: var savedOutput = await return savedOutput;
  • Matthew P
    Matthew P over 5 years
    Great - you just need to click the tick sign next to my answer so the question is marked as resolved. Open a new question for the .save issue using the appropriate tags i.e. MongoDB and include a bit more code & background - I use MongoDB all the time so will be able to post on the new question if you drop a link to it here
  • NellaGnute
    NellaGnute over 5 years
    Awesome, thanks for the help - I marked this as the solution. My new question is here if you're still interested: […