How to parse JSON request body in Sinatra just once and expose it to all routes?


Solution 1

Use a sinatra before handler:

before do
  @request_payload = JSON.parse

this will expose it to the current request handler. If you want it exposed to all handlers, put it in a superclass and extend that class in your handlers.

Solution 2

You can also use Rack Middleware to parse it. See Just use Rack::PostBodyContentTypeParser when initializing your Sinatra class.

Solution 3

Like this working for sinatra 1.4.5

before do
  if request.body.size > 0
    @params = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(

Solution 4

You can parse your JSON post body as a Hash with Rack::PostBodyContentTypeParser from

require 'rack/contrib/post_body_content_type_parser'

class Api < Sinatra::Application
  use Rack::PostBodyContentTypeParser

You can even pass a custom block to Rack::PostBodyContentTypeParser to parse the JSON as symbols instead of strings:

a_proc = proc { |body| JSON.parse(body, symbolize_names: true, create_additions: false) }
use Rack::PostBodyContentTypeParser, &a_proc

Solution 5

before do
  @request_payload = JSON.parse(, symbolize_names: true)

So you can also symbolize_names while parsing JSON request body, this will give you access to your nested params like this @request_payload[:user]

Author by


Updated on July 18, 2022


  • lmirosevic
    lmirosevic almost 2 years

    I am writing an API and it receives a JSON payload as the request body.

    To get at it currently, I am doing something like this:

    post '/doSomething' do
        request_payload = JSON.parse
        #do something with request_payload
        body request_payload['someKey']

    What's a good way to abstract this away so that I don't need to do it for each route? Some of my routes are more complicated than this, and as a result the request.body would get reread and reparsed several times per route with this approach, which I want to avoid.

    Is there some way to make the request_payload just magically available to routes? Like this:

    post '/doSomething' do
        #do something with request_payload, it's already parsed and available
        body request_payload['someKey']
  • lmirosevic
    lmirosevic almost 11 years
    That was my first instinct, but will this work with async-sinatra? I'm afraid subsequent requests might override it while the previous ones are still in-flight?
  • mcfinnigan
    mcfinnigan almost 11 years
    Sinatra should create a new instance of each handler per request, so provided you use an instance level variable it should be ok. We use a similar scheme and have seen no evidence of race conditions under load.
  • mgold
    mgold almost 10 years
    The before filter can be predicated on route patterns but seemingly not HTTP methods. Bummer - doing this for only POSTs is a plausible use case.
  • Ulysse BN
    Ulysse BN about 4 years
    Since rack-contrib 2.2.0, PostBodyContentTypeParser has been deprecated in favor of JSONBodyParser, much faster and modular.
  • Ulysse BN
    Ulysse BN about 4 years
    I believe you answer is a duplicate of this one with a few more details. Maybe you should edit it rather than creating a new answer?
  • Pere Joan Martorell
    Pere Joan Martorell about 2 years
    @UlysseBN thanks for the suggestion, but I was getting a Suggested edit queue is full error, for this reason I decided to create a new answer