How to pass environment variables to a sbt test build step in Jenkins?


Solution 1

If you're not forking a new JVM to execute your tests, setting javaOptions does nothing. Excerpt from SBT itself:

> help javaOptions
Options passed to a new JVM when forking.

This explains why your javaOptions are not used when you're not forking your tests.

You have basically two solutions:

  • Either set fork in Test := true to run your tests in forked JVMs
  • Or pass your system properties to SBT itself :

    sbt test

Solution 2

You're setting a system property with", but then using Properties.envOrElse which is for environment variables. See Environment Variables.

Try this:

  sys.props.getOrElse("", DEFAULT_CASSANDRA_TEST_HOST)

Solution 3

It seems that adding fork in Test := true solves the problem - even if, to be honest, I did not investigated the extact corrlation between the two events (i.e. adding fork in Test := true and having the system property passed to my tests.

So the correct argument to be passed to sbt is:

'; set fork in Test := true; set javaOptions += ""; test'


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Updated on September 15, 2022


  • piercarlo
    piercarlo over 1 year

    In my scala test, I read an environemnt variable via sys.props.getOrElse("", DEFAULT_CASSANDRA_TEST_HOST).

    The tests are run via Jenkins.

    I have added a Build using sbt as a build step.

    By looking at similar questions on SO, I came up with this solution - i.e. setting the Actions field to:

    '; set javaOptions += ""; test'

    But it doesnt work. No variable is set when Properties.envOrElse is executed.

    The Jenkins console output contains:

    [...] [util-sessionizer] $ java -jar /usr/local/bin/sbt-launch.jar '; set javaOptions += ""; test' [info] Loading project definition from /jenkins/workspace/util-sessionizer/project/project [info] Loading project definition from /jenkins/workspace/util-sessionizer/project [info] Set current project to util-sessionizer (in build file:/jenkins/workspace/util-sessionizer/) [info] Defining *:javaOptions [info] The new value will be used by *:runner, compile:run::runner and 4 others. [info] Run `last` for details. [info] Reapplying settings... [...]