How to pass jarsigner.exe passphrase via commandline?


Well, why do you not simply use the corresponding parameters?

jarsigner -keystore my-keystore -storetype jceks -storepass "test" -keypass "test" my-archive.jar xander

Broken down into separate lines for better readability (but you have to put all parameters on one line, of course):

  -keystore my-keystore    # keystore path name
  -storetype jceks         # keystore type (whatever format yours is in)
  -storepass "test"        # keystore password
  -keypass "test"          # private key password
  my-archive.jar           # JAR path name
  xander                   # key name (alias)

Update: Please note with regard to passwords that

  • enclosing passwords in double or single quotes is optional if the passwords contain no special characters.
  • on the Windows command line you have to use double quotes enclosing passwords with special characters such as space. I am mentioning that because someone previously edited my answer and used single quotes which would simply fail on the Windows command line.
  • on UNIX-like systems like Linux or also in the Windows Git Bash or Cygwin you can use both double or single quotes, but with double quotes beware of shell expansion.
Stepan Yakovenko
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Stepan Yakovenko

Hello! I'm developing commercial software since age of 16. I am working remotely in international teams since 2011. I have many years of Java/JS/C++/web development experience and also interested in scientific (numerical calculations) work. If you have remote part-time job, please send me an email: [email protected]. Only 100% remote opportunities considered. My resume is available here. #SOreadytohelp

Updated on June 24, 2022


  • Stepan Yakovenko
    Stepan Yakovenko about 2 years

    I know that this is unsafe, but is there any easy way to pass passphrase to the jarsigner.exe:

    jrsigner.exe -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore ...

    Enter Passphrase for keystore:

    I am running it in batch file.