How to pass json array and its object and keys of object in flutter.?


The JSON you have added isn't valid

If this is the JSON you want to parse -

    "rows": [{
        "Task": {
            "title": "aamir"
        "Category Type": {
            "id": "123"

You can parse it like this -

for(int i = 0 ; i < rows.length ; i++) {
  var task = rows[i]["Task"];
  String title = task["title"];
  String id = rows[i]["Category Type"]["id"];
aamir faisal
Author by

aamir faisal

Updated on December 10, 2022


  • aamir faisal
    aamir faisal over 1 year

    [enter image description here][1]I want to parse json Array and its object and keys in object of array.? how can i parse.?

    http.Response response=await http.get("api url");
       List resJson=json.decode(response.body);
       Map decode=jsonDecode(response.body);
       List<Task> task =new List<Task>();
       for(var task in decode['rows']){

    i want to parse this array..

    "rows":[ { "Task" { "title":"aamir" },"Category Type":{ id:"123" } { "number":3, "word":"SES" } ] }

  • aamir faisal
    aamir faisal about 5 years
    how can i get "rows".?
  • Keerti Purswani
    Keerti Purswani about 5 years
    var respBody = jsonDecode(response?.body); var rows = respBody["rows"];
  • Keerti Purswani
    Keerti Purswani about 5 years
    If your problem is solved, I would suggest you to mark the answer which helped. :)