How to print the public key of a certificate using keytool?


Solution 1

You can do that With openssl.

If this certificate is DER-encoded (binary), use:

openssl x509 -inform der -in client.crt -pubkey -noout

for PEM-encoded use -inform pem option (or no -inform at all).

To see details of public key, use:

openssl x509 -inform der -in client.crt -pubkey -noout | openssl rsa -pubin -text -noout

Solution 2

You can do it with:

keytool -list -rfc -keystore mykeystore.jks -alias certificate_alias -storepass password

Example run:

PS c:\sample> keytool -list -rfc -keystore mykeystore.jks -alias cert_alias -storepass password
Alias name: cert_alias
Creation date: Apr 25, 2014
Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
Certificate chain length: 1

Solution 3

You can print the cert to pem format, then use openssl to print public key from the pem format.

  1. add -rfc option to -printcert

    keytool -printcert -rfc -file client.crt

  2. save the output like below to a file client.pem



    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

  3. then use openssl

    openssl x509 -inform pem -text -in client.pem

so you got the public key

Solution 4

Keytool list rfc just prints the base64 encoded version of whole certificate, not the public key. Keytool doesn't support the printing the public key of Certificate. We can use openssl for this purpose.

Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Ashwin
    Ashwin almost 2 years

    Is there a way in keytool to print the publick key of a certificate? I tried:

    keytool -printcert -file client.crt

    But it gives only the following information:

    Owner: CN=client, OU=as, O=as, L=as, ST=as, C=as
    Issuer: EMAILADDRESS=as, CN=ca, OU=as, O=as, L=as, ST=as, C=as
    Serial number: 3
    Valid from: Tue Apr 10 12:18:47 GMT+05:30 2012 until: Wed Apr 10 12:18:47 GMT+05
    :30 2013
    Certificate fingerprints:
             MD5:  26:C0:29:E9:8C:AB:C3:9E:95:38:74:8A:87:D3:86:8D
             SHA1: 5C:5A:BA:47:44:83:7E:CB:48:BE:DD:E5:39:51:24:42:C6:C5:60:8B
             SHA256: DA:26:B8:C8:F4:04:3E:62:F3:7F:3B:EC:1D:9F:85:66:28:00:45:55:66:
             Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
             Version: 1

    There is no public key in this.

  • Ashwin
    Ashwin about 12 years
    thanks for the answer. I am able to see the public key. But is there any way to do it in keytool?
  • Vlad Sankin
    Vlad Sankin about 10 years
    assuming openssl is not available and to answer the actual question (how to use keytool to print public key part).
  • Peter Long
    Peter Long over 9 years
    The question asked how to print the public key of the certificate. This output is the PEM encoded representation of the entire certificate. Public Key output would start with '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----'
  • Jonas Andersson
    Jonas Andersson almost 9 years
    Without intermediate file: keytool -list -rfc --keystore ./path_to_keystore.jks | openssl x509 -inform pem -pubkey
  • Nish
    Nish over 8 years
    There is a way to use keeytool with -list option to print, please refer answer from @Vlad Sankin
  • Peter Long
    Peter Long almost 8 years
    2 years later I now realize @VladSankin was just describing how to get the certificate as a precursor to using openssl to extract the public key from it. So building on the accepted answer you could do something like keytool -list -rfc -keystore mykeystore.jks -alias cert_alias -storepass password | openssl x509 -inform pem -pubkey -noout | openssl rsa -pubin -text -noout
  • Kirill G.
    Kirill G. almost 8 years
    Why is the sample saying PrivateKeyEntry ? Is it the private key?
  • rogue lad
    rogue lad almost 7 years
    It would be wonderful if you mention the documentation and purpose of -rfc argument of keytool
  • David
    David over 4 years
    -rfc tells keytool to write the output certificate in Base 64 encoding form described in RFC 1421 Certificate Encoding Standard
  • asgs
    asgs almost 4 years
    thank you! -rfc looks like the option I am wanting