How to print Unicode character in C++?


Solution 1

To represent the character you can use Universal Character Names (UCNs). The character 'ф' has the Unicode value U+0444 and so in C++ you could write it '\u0444' or '\U00000444'. Also if the source code encoding supports this character then you can just write it literally in your source code.

// both of these assume that the character can be represented with
// a single char in the execution encoding
char b = '\u0444';
char a = 'ф'; // this line additionally assumes that the source character encoding supports this character

Printing such characters out depends on what you're printing to. If you're printing to a Unix terminal emulator, the terminal emulator is using an encoding that supports this character, and that encoding matches the compiler's execution encoding, then you can do the following:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::cout << "Hello, ф or \u0444!\n";

This program does not require that 'ф' can be represented in a single char. On OS X and most any modern Linux install this will work just fine, because the source, execution, and console encodings will all be UTF-8 (which supports all Unicode characters).

Things are harder with Windows and there are different possibilities with different tradeoffs.

Probably the best, if you don't need portable code (you'll be using wchar_t, which should really be avoided on every other platform), is to set the mode of the output file handle to take only UTF-16 data.

#include <iostream>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int main() {
    _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT);
    std::wcout << L"Hello, \u0444!\n";

Portable code is more difficult.

Solution 2

When compiling with -std=c++11, one can simply

  const char *s  = u8"\u0444";
  cout << s << endl;

Solution 3

Ultimately, this is completely platform-dependent. Unicode-support is, unfortunately, very poor in Standard C++. For GCC, you will have to make it a narrow string, as they use UTF-8, and Windows wants a wide string, and you must output to wcout.

// GCC
std::cout << "ф";
// Windoze
wcout << L"ф";

Solution 4

If you use Windows (note, we are using printf(), not cout):

//Save As UTF8 without signature
#include <stdio.h>
int main (){

Not Unicode but working - 1251 instead of UTF8:

//Save As Windows 1251
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main (){
    cout << "ф" << endl;

Solution 5

This code works in Linux (C++11, geany, g++ 7.4.0):

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int utf8_to_unicode(string utf8_code);
string unicode_to_utf8(int unicode);

int main()
    cout << unicode_to_utf8(36) << '\t';
    cout << unicode_to_utf8(162) << '\t';
    cout << unicode_to_utf8(8364) << '\t';
    cout << unicode_to_utf8(128578) << endl;

    cout << unicode_to_utf8(0x24) << '\t';
    cout << unicode_to_utf8(0xa2) << '\t';
    cout << unicode_to_utf8(0x20ac) << '\t';
    cout << unicode_to_utf8(0x1f642) << endl;

    cout << utf8_to_unicode("$") << '\t';
    cout << utf8_to_unicode("¢") << '\t';
    cout << utf8_to_unicode("€") << '\t';
    cout << utf8_to_unicode("🙂") << endl;

    cout << utf8_to_unicode("\x24") << '\t';
    cout << utf8_to_unicode("\xc2\xa2") << '\t';
    cout << utf8_to_unicode("\xe2\x82\xac") << '\t';
    cout << utf8_to_unicode("\xf0\x9f\x99\x82") << endl;

    return 0;

int utf8_to_unicode(string utf8_code)
    unsigned utf8_size = utf8_code.length();
    int unicode = 0;

    for (unsigned p=0; p<utf8_size; ++p)
        int bit_count = (p? 6: 8 - utf8_size - (utf8_size == 1? 0: 1)),
            shift = (p < utf8_size - 1? (6*(utf8_size - p - 1)): 0);

        for (int k=0; k<bit_count; ++k)
            unicode += ((utf8_code[p] & (1 << k)) << shift);

    return unicode;

string unicode_to_utf8(int unicode)
    string s;

    if (unicode>=0 and unicode <= 0x7f)  // 7F(16) = 127(10)
        s = static_cast<char>(unicode);

        return s;
    else if (unicode <= 0x7ff)  // 7FF(16) = 2047(10)
        unsigned char c1 = 192, c2 = 128;

        for (int k=0; k<11; ++k)
            if (k < 6)  c2 |= (unicode % 64) & (1 << k);
            else c1 |= (unicode >> 6) & (1 << (k - 6));

        s = c1;    s += c2;

        return s;
    else if (unicode <= 0xffff)  // FFFF(16) = 65535(10)
        unsigned char c1 = 224, c2 = 128, c3 = 128;

        for (int k=0; k<16; ++k)
            if (k < 6)  c3 |= (unicode % 64) & (1 << k);
            else if (k < 12) c2 |= (unicode >> 6) & (1 << (k - 6));
            else c1 |= (unicode >> 12) & (1 << (k - 12));

        s = c1;    s += c2;    s += c3;

        return s;
    else if (unicode <= 0x1fffff)  // 1FFFFF(16) = 2097151(10)
        unsigned char c1 = 240, c2 = 128, c3 = 128, c4 = 128;

        for (int k=0; k<21; ++k)
            if (k < 6)  c4 |= (unicode % 64) & (1 << k);
            else if (k < 12) c3 |= (unicode >> 6) & (1 << (k - 6));
            else if (k < 18) c2 |= (unicode >> 12) & (1 << (k - 12));
            else c1 |= (unicode >> 18) & (1 << (k - 18));

        s = c1;    s += c2;    s += c3;    s += c4;

        return s;
    else if (unicode <= 0x3ffffff)  // 3FFFFFF(16) = 67108863(10)
        ;  // actually, there are no 5-bytes unicodes
    else if (unicode <= 0x7fffffff)  // 7FFFFFFF(16) = 2147483647(10)
        ;  // actually, there are no 6-bytes unicodes
    else  ;  // incorrect unicode (< 0 or > 2147483647)

    return "";


James Raitsev
Author by

James Raitsev

I ask a lot of questions. Some of them are good.

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • James Raitsev
    James Raitsev almost 2 years

    I am trying to print a Russian "ф" (U+0444 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EF) character, which is given a code of decimal 1092. Using C++, how can I print out this character? I would have thought something along the lines of the following would work, yet...

    int main (){
       wchar_t f = '1060';
       cout << f << endl;
  • Puppy
    Puppy almost 12 years
    They should have Unicode escapes. I'm not familiar with the notation, though.
  • Mike DeSimone
    Mike DeSimone almost 12 years
    I thought that was one of the points of iostreams: it would detect the type via overloaded operator << and Do The Right Thing. Not so much, I guess?
  • Mike DeSimone
    Mike DeSimone almost 12 years
    IIRC, Unicode escapes are \uXXXX where the XXXX is for hex digits. Unfortunately, this leaves all the characters past U+FFFF out.
  • James Raitsev
    James Raitsev almost 12 years
    Looking at, how should assignment play out wchar_t x = '\u0400'; for instance, does not work
  • Billy ONeal
    Billy ONeal almost 12 years
    @Mike: If you want past FFFF, you can do so by generating a UTF-16 surrogate pair yourself using two instances of \u, at least on windows.
  • Mark Ransom
    Mark Ransom almost 12 years
    The OP wants to specify the character in decimal, not hex, so string escapes are kind of useless.
  • Mark Ransom
    Mark Ransom almost 12 years
    @Jam much of this is system dependent. What OS are you using?
  • James Raitsev
    James Raitsev almost 12 years
    I'll take hex. Really, i am just looking for a way to print any character in unicode and have it displayed as it should. Using cyrillic just as an example here
  • bames53
    bames53 almost 12 years
    @BillyONeal You do not use surrogate code points in C++ (in fact surrogate code points are completely prohibited). You use the format \UXXXXXXXX.
  • bames53
    bames53 almost 12 years
    '1060' is a multi-char character literal of type int, and is entirely legal under standard C++. It's value is implementation defined though. Most implementations will take the values of the characters and concatenate them to produce a single integral value. These are sometimes used for so-called 'FourCC's.
  • Mike DeSimone
    Mike DeSimone almost 12 years
    I'm familiar with FourCC's (the original Mac OS used them everywhere), but every non-Mac compiler I've used emitted at least a warning when it hit a multibyte character constant. I doubt "entirely" legal would get a warning.
  • bames53
    bames53 almost 12 years
    Perhaps you'd be surprised how many warnings there are for entirely legal code. The C++ standard says "An ordinary character literal that contains more than one c-char is a multicharacter literal. A multicharacter literal has type int and implementation-defined value." [lex.ccon] 2.14.3/1
  • Luc Danton
    Luc Danton almost 12 years
    GCC is not bound to use UTF-8, and is available for Windows. std::wcout is also an option outside of Windows.
  • curiousguy
    curiousguy almost 12 years
    @MikeDeSimone "every non-Mac compiler I've used emitted at least a warning" because it is 1) almost never used on purpose on non-Mac systems 2) not a portable construct
  • curiousguy
    curiousguy almost 12 years
    @Jam '\u0400' is a narrow-character literal. You seem to assume that \u0400 exists in the execution character set. According to N3242 [lex.ccon]/5: "A universal-character-name is translated to the encoding, in the appropriate execution character set, of the character named. If there is no such encoding, the universal-character-name is translated to an implementation defined encoding."
  • bames53
    bames53 almost 12 years
    Both GCC and MSVC do the same concatenation of bytes, so it's at least that portable. Actually, I'm not aware of any compiler that doesn't do it.
  • Mike DeSimone
    Mike DeSimone almost 12 years
    @curiousguy That was my point. And if a compiler is going to bother emitting a warning, I assume it's there for a reason and I'll avoid it. Note that bit fields are just as implementation-defined, yet generate no warnings.
  • curiousguy
    curiousguy over 11 years
    @MikeDeSimonek "Note that bit fields are just as implementation-defined" No, they are not.
  • curiousguy
    curiousguy over 11 years
    @bames53 "Both GCC and MSVC do the same concatenation of bytes, so it's at least that portable." OK, so I retract my non-portable statement. (But it isn't guaranteed by the standard.) Anyway, I love multi-character literals!
  • Mike DeSimone
    Mike DeSimone over 11 years
    @curiousguy Last I checked, two things about bit fields were implementation-defined: 1) whether consecutive bit fields were packed from high-order bits to low, or low-to-high, and 2) if the total number of bits was less than the storage type, which end (MSBs or LSBs) would get the padding bits. Also see… and So if the standard bothered to nail down these two issues, please quote it.
  • Yakov Galka
    Yakov Galka over 11 years
    Let me recommend Boost.Nowide for printing UTF-8 strings to terminal in a portable way, so the above code will be almost unchanged.
  • Jorge Leitao
    Jorge Leitao over 9 years
    @ybungalobill, your comment deserves an answer on its own. Would you mind creating one?
  • Edward Falk
    Edward Falk over 7 years
    ? I'm pretty sure '\u0444' won't fit into a char unless the compiler has promoted the char to an int, but if you want that behavior, you should use an int.
  • bames53
    bames53 over 7 years
    @EdwardFalk \u0444 will fit in an 8 bit char if the execution charset is, for example, ISO-8859-5. Specifically it will be the byte 0xE4. Note that I'm not suggesting that using such an execution charset is a good practice, I'm simply describing how C++ works.
  • Edward Falk
    Edward Falk over 7 years
    Ahhh, you're saying the compiler will recognize \u0444 as a unicode character, and convert it to the prevailing character set, and the result will fit in a byte? I didn't know it would do that.
  • Martin Bonner supports Monica
    Martin Bonner supports Monica over 7 years
    @MikeDeSimone: It doesn't nail those down. But you can use bitfields entirely portably with standard defined behaviour (and probably less memory consumption than if you used just a bunch of ints). That is not true of multicharacter literals. (Note: If you are using bitfields to try to match some externally defined storage format, the standard will not help you - so "don't do that then".)
  • bames53
    bames53 about 7 years
    Yes. This is why using \u is different from using \x.
  • Cong Ma
    Cong Ma about 7 years
    SetConsoleOutputCP() has a much better name in this case.
  • Austin_Anderson
    Austin_Anderson over 6 years
    doesn't work on my lubuntu 16 laptop with terminator terminal and g++ 5.4.0, using a std::string worked though
  • ynn
    ynn over 4 years
    Just for my note: \uXXXX and \UXXXXXXXX are called universal-character-name. A string literal of the form u8"..." is UTF-8 string literal. Both are specified in the standard.
  • Qwertiy
    Qwertiy over 3 years
    Just FYI: default cyrillic console encoding in Windows is OEM 866.