How to put an image (say, PNG) on a graphics in Flex 3?


Solution 1

Off the top of my head I can think of two things that might help you (depending on what it is exactly that you're trying to achieve):

If you just want to display an image you've embedded, you can add an Image component to the stage and set the value of its source as the graphical asset (Class) that you're embedding:

private var MyGfx:Class;

myImage.source = MyGfx;

If you actually want to draw a bitmap onto a Graphics object, you can do this with the beginBitmapFill() method:

private var MyGfx:Class;

var myBitmap:BitmapData = new MyGfx().bitmapData;

You might find the Flex Quick Starts articles on Adobe's site useful, especially the "Embedding Assets" section.

Solution 2

The accepted answer is incomplete because without a call to drawRect() nothing will be drawn. I have implemented it this way and it works. Notice that I added a matrix translation, otherwise images would have to be drawn either at 0,0 or would be clipped incorrectly.

private var ImgField:Class; 
private var field:BitmapData = new ImgField().bitmapData;

public static function drawImage(g:Graphics, image:BitmapData, x:int, y:int):void {
  var mtx:Matrix = new Matrix();
  mtx.translate(x, y);
  g.beginBitmapFill(image, mtx, false, false);
  g.drawRect(x, y, image.width, image.height);
Author by


Writing code for coffee and cookies.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Fixpoint
    Fixpoint about 2 years

    I'm new to Flex, and I'm trying to write a simple application. I have a file with an image and I want to display this image on a Graphics. How do I do this? I tried [Embed]-ding it and adding as a child to the component owning the Graphics', but I'm getting a "Type Coercion failed: cannot convert ... to mx.core.IUIComponent" error.

    • ncases
      ncases over 15 years
      Can you post some sample code to show how you're intending to use a Graphics object, please?
  • user772401
    user772401 over 15 years
    This is somewhat relevant here too:…
  • android927
    android927 over 9 years
    But this only works if your using flash. Since he did not specify that he was using flash, we should assume that he is working in pure actionscript.