how to read a specific row from the excel based some unique value in java using POI?


Suppose you want to fetch the employee whose eid = 1 , then you can put a check while you print it on console. Since you dont know which row contains the eid=1 .So you have to parse each row.

The index of eid is 2 as it seems from the output.

So following changes can be performed.

private void printToConsole(List cellDataList) {
        for (int i = 0; i < cellDataList.size(); i++) {
            List cellTempList = (List) cellDataList.get(i);
            if((HSSFCell) cellTempList.get(2).toString().equals("1"))
            for (int j = 0; j < cellTempList.size(); j++) {

                HSSFCell hssfCell = (HSSFCell) cellTempList.get(j);
                String stringCellValue = hssfCell.toString();

                System.out.print(stringCellValue + "\t");
            else { 
Author by


Updated on July 31, 2022


  • Joe
    Joe almost 2 years

    i am trying to get the record based on some unique value.

    Example; It there is a table of values with emp name, emp id, emp address, i want to fetch the record based on the emp id.

    this the code i have tried also this code reads data from the file not from beginning.

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
    import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
    import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
    import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
    import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem;
     * 015 * @author giftsam 016
    public class ExcelSheetReader {
         * 021 * This method is used to read the data's from an excel file. 022 * @param
         * fileName - Name of the excel file. 023
        private void readExcelFile(String fileName) {
             * Create a new instance for cellDataList
            List cellDataList = new ArrayList();
            try {
                 * 033 * Create a new instance for FileInputStream class 034
                FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(fileName);
                 * Create a new instance for POIFSFileSystem class
                POIFSFileSystem fsFileSystem = new POIFSFileSystem(fileInputStream);
                 * 043 * Create a new instance for HSSFWorkBook Class 044
                HSSFWorkbook workBook = new HSSFWorkbook(fsFileSystem);
                HSSFSheet hssfSheet = workBook.getSheetAt(0);
                * Iterate the rows and cells of the spreadsheet 050 
                 * * to get
                 * all the datas
                Iterator rowIterator = hssfSheet.rowIterator();
                while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
                    HSSFRow hssfRow = (HSSFRow);
                    Iterator iterator = hssfRow.cellIterator();
                    List cellTempList = new ArrayList();
                    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                        HSSFCell hssfCell = (HSSFCell);
            } catch (Exception e) {
             * Call the printToConsole method to print the cell data in the console.
         * This method is used to print the cell data to the console.
         * @param cellDataList
         *            - List of the data's in the spreadsheet.
        private void printToConsole(List cellDataList) {
            for (int i = 0; i < cellDataList.size(); i++) {
                List cellTempList = (List) cellDataList.get(i);
                for (int j = 0; j < cellTempList.size(); j++) {
                    HSSFCell hssfCell = (HSSFCell) cellTempList.get(j);
                    String stringCellValue = hssfCell.toString();
                    System.out.print(stringCellValue + "\t");
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String fileName = "D:/workspace/ReadExlsx/xlsx/Access_Control_Report_01-04-2012to30-04-2012.xls";
            new ExcelSheetReader().readExcelFile(fileName);

    this code prints out put like this.

    292 Manikiruban Jaganathan  001 Esg     05/04/2012  09:11:28    19:06:06        
    292 Manikiruban Jaganathan  001 Esg     06/04/2012  09:01:07    19:02:37        
    292 Manikiruban Jaganathan  001 Esg     09/04/2012  09:02:08    19:39:29        
    292 Manikiruban Jaganathan  001 Esg     10/04/2012  09:13:20    18:54:05        
    292 Manikiruban Jaganathan  001 Esg     11/04/2012  09:31:55    18:33:03

    my excel sheet looks like this :

    Sling Media Pvt Ltd                                             
    First and Last Record Details Report From 01/04/2012 to 30/04/2012                                              
    Report Prepared on: 10/05/2012 at 12:51                                             
    EmpID   EmpName SiteCode    Department  Type    Date    First   Last    Location                
    1   Kr Veerappan    123 Hardware Team       02/04/2012  10:30:39    20:23:14                    
    1   Kr Veerappan    123 Hardware Team       03/04/2012  09:46:01    19:58:16                    
    1   Kr Veerappan    123 Hardware Team       04/04/2012  10:06:26    19:58:31                    
    1   Kr Veerappan    123 Hardware Team       05/04/2012  11:38:51    19:32:17                    
    1   Kr Veerappan    123 Hardware Team       06/04/2012  10:43:06    21:02:06                    
    1   Kr Veerappan    123 Hardware Team       09/04/2012  11:02:32    22:05:14                    
    1   Kr Veerappan    123 Hardware Team       10/04/2012  10:49:41    19:07:48                    
    1   Kr Veerappan    123 Hardware Team       11/04/2012  10:16:42    20:30:13                    
    1   Kr Veerappan    123 Hardware Team       12/04/2012  10:15:54    19:54:51                    
    1   Kr Veerappan    123 Hardware Team       13/04/2012  10:18:30    19:05:55                    
    1   Kr Veerappan    123 Hardware Team       18/04/2012  10:52:37    18:50:36                    
    1   Kr Veerappan    123 Hardware Team       19/04/2012  10:24:59    20:29:59                    
    1   Kr Veerappan    123 Hardware Team       20/04/2012  10:29:47    18:58:23                    
    1   Kr Veerappan    123 Hardware Team       23/04/2012  10:24:31    20:11:29                    
    1   Kr Veerappan    123 Hardware Team       24/04/2012  10:13:18    19:05:25                    

    thanks Antony