how to reference a YAML "setting" from elsewhere in the same YAML file?


Solution 1

I don't think it is possible. You can reuse "node" but not part of it.

bill-to: &id001
    given  : Chris
    family : Dumars
ship-to: *id001

This is perfectly valid YAML and fields given and family are reused in ship-to block. You can reuse a scalar node the same way but there's no way you can change what's inside and add that last part of a path to it from inside YAML.

If repetition bother you that much I suggest to make your application aware of root property and add it to every path that looks relative not absolute.

Solution 2

Yes, using custom tags. Example in Python, making the !join tag join strings in an array:

import yaml

## define custom tag handler
def join(loader, node):
    seq = loader.construct_sequence(node)
    return ''.join([str(i) for i in seq])

## register the tag handler
yaml.add_constructor('!join', join)

## using your sample data
    root: &BASE /path/to/root/
    patha: !join [*BASE, a]
    pathb: !join [*BASE, b]
    pathc: !join [*BASE, c]

Which results in:

    'paths': {
        'patha': '/path/to/root/a',
        'pathb': '/path/to/root/b',
        'pathc': '/path/to/root/c',
        'root': '/path/to/root/'

The array of arguments to !join can have any number of elements of any data type, as long as they can be converted to string, so !join [*a, "/", *b, "/", *c] does what you would expect.

Solution 3

Another way to look at this is to simply use another field.

  root_path: &root
     val: /path/to/root/
  patha: &a
    root_path: *root
    rel_path: a
  pathb: &b
    root_path: *root
    rel_path: b
  pathc: &c
    root_path: *root
    rel_path: c

Solution 4

I've create a library, available on Packagist, that performs this function:

Example YAML file:

type: book
  title: Dune
  author: Frank Herbert
  copyright: ${} 1965
  protaganist: ${}
    - hardcover
  - name: Paul Atreides
    occupation: Kwisatz Haderach
      - Usul
      - Muad'Dib
      - The Preacher
  - name: Duncan Idaho
    occupation: Swordmaster
summary: ${book.title} by ${}
product-name: ${${type}.title}

Example logic:

// Parse a yaml string directly, expanding internal property references.
$yaml_string = file_get_contents("dune.yml");
$expanded = \Grasmash\YamlExpander\Expander::parse($yaml_string);

Resultant array:

array (
  'type' => 'book',
  'book' => 
  array (
    'title' => 'Dune',
    'author' => 'Frank Herbert',
    'copyright' => 'Frank Herbert 1965',
    'protaganist' => 'Paul Atreides',
    'media' => 
    array (
      0 => 'hardcover',
  'characters' => 
  array (
    0 => 
    array (
      'name' => 'Paul Atreides',
      'occupation' => 'Kwisatz Haderach',
      'aliases' => 
      array (
        0 => 'Usul',
        1 => 'Muad\'Dib',
        2 => 'The Preacher',
    1 => 
    array (
      'name' => 'Duncan Idaho',
      'occupation' => 'Swordmaster',
  'summary' => 'Dune by Frank Herbert',

Solution 5

YML definition:

  default: /home/data/in/
  proj1: ${dir.default}p1
  proj2: ${dir.default}p2
  proj3: ${dir.default}p3 

Somewhere in thymeleaf

<p th:utext='${@environment.getProperty("dir.default")}' />
<p th:utext='${@environment.getProperty("dir.proj1")}' /> 

Output: /home/data/in/ /home/data/in/p1


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Andrew Bullock
Author by

Andrew Bullock

Updated on March 11, 2022


  • Andrew Bullock
    Andrew Bullock over 2 years

    I have the following YAML:

      patha: /path/to/root/a
      pathb: /path/to/root/b
      pathc: /path/to/root/c

    How can I "normalise" this, by removing /path/to/root/ from the three paths, and have it as its own setting, something like:

      root: /path/to/root/
      patha: *root* + a
      pathb: *root* + b
      pathc: *root* + c

    Obviously that's invalid, I just made it up. What's the real syntax? Can it be done?

  • Andrew Bullock
    Andrew Bullock over 14 years
    Ok thanks, yeah ill have to prepend the root in code. no biggie.
  • Chris Johnson
    Chris Johnson almost 10 years
    The accepted answer is not accurate. See my answer for a solution.
  • Prateek Jain
    Prateek Jain over 9 years
    how to do this, if bill-to is in another file, which we have imported where ship-to is defined ?
  • Anthon
    Anthon about 9 years
    I like your solution, simpler in coding then mine at the cost of slightly less readable YAML.
  • Anthon
    Anthon about 8 years
    The highlight over the down-arrow says "this answer is not useful" and that is essentially the case for anyone not interested in the subject of YAML. Even worse nobody (apart from me, because I was the only commenter so far) will get a notification of your comment/question. Chances that someone who downvoted comes back here and reads your comment and answers are so low that I would consider those close to non-existent. Having said that, it wasn't me, and if I were you I wouldn't ask and delete the comment.
  • Adrián González
    Adrián González almost 8 years
    Thanks! This works even to create a list with previously defined elements
  • dreftymac
    dreftymac almost 8 years
    This answer deserves more up-votes. It is technically the most accurate answer pursuant to the YAML specification. There is one caveat, however, pursuant to actual YAML implementations, there are few that actually implement the full YAML spec. Python's pyyaml is above and beyond many others in terms of its uniformity with the specification.
  • dreftymac
    dreftymac almost 8 years
    @PrateekJain: if you are dealing with multiple files, you will probably do best to evaluate a standalone YAML-enhancement library, such as one listed here.…
  • akostadinov
    akostadinov almost 8 years
    See example 2.9 in ; one can also reference scalars which is awesome
  • user2020056
    user2020056 almost 7 years
    The question seems to be about referencing a value IN a yaml file. Adding another layer of code around it would not be my preferred solution.
  • Chris Johnson
    Chris Johnson almost 7 years
    There is no other way.
  • Honza Zidek
    Honza Zidek over 6 years
    @AndrewBullock I think this should be the accepted answer, as it exactly solves your issue.
  • user5359531
    user5359531 over 6 years
    @ChrisJohnson Thanks for this answer, I was wondering if you had a reference document that listed this syntax. I've seen YAML spec explained in multiple places on the web so I just want to make sure I'm looking at the same reference you are. Thanks!
  • Arthur Lacoste
    Arthur Lacoste over 6 years
    No, it is not a native usage of variable in YAML and it's not specified in any specification versions. After some test, this doesn't work.
  • Andrew Wynham
    Andrew Wynham over 6 years
    This probably worked for Pavol using something that pre-processed the yaml (i.e. maven-resources-plugin filtering)
  • benjaminmgross
    benjaminmgross about 5 years
    This solution didn't work for me (python3?) however with a simple modification to the above it works as expected. Specifically: yaml.SafeLoader.add_constructor(tag='!join', constructor=join) yaml.load(open(fpth, mode='r'), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
  • Dan Niero
    Dan Niero almost 5 years
    Not standard Yaml
  • Dhiraj
    Dhiraj about 4 years
    It's good to be aware of a library that adds this functionality on top of YAML
  • dbaumann
    dbaumann almost 4 years
    Thanks for making this. YAML is all the rage these days and it's nice to see a project to help contain the madness.