how to register a custom json marshaller in grails


Solution 1

this is what i do for custom JSON marshaling in the Bootstrap init closure:

def init = {servletContext ->
    grailsApplication.domainClasses.each {domainClass ->
        domainClass.metaClass.part = {m ->
            def map = [:]
            if (m.'include') {
                m.'include'.each {
                    map[it] = delegate."${it}"
            } else if (m.'except') {
                m.'except'.addAll excludedProps
                def props = domainClass.persistentProperties.findAll {
                    !( in m.'except')
                props.each {
                    map['id'] =
                    map[] = delegate."${}"
            return map

    JSON.registerObjectMarshaller(Date) {
        return it?.format("dd.MM.yyyy")
    JSON.registerObjectMarshaller(User) {
        def returnArray = [:]
        returnArray['username'] = it.username
        returnArray['userRealName'] = it.userRealName 
        returnArray['email'] =
        return returnArray
    JSON.registerObjectMarshaller(Role) {
        def returnArray = [:]
        returnArray['authority'] = it.authority
        return returnArray
     JSON.registerObjectMarshaller(Person) {
        return it.part(except: ['fieldX', 'fieldY'])

you see that i have custom marshallers for the Date, Use, Person, and Role Class

Solution 2

I found this post while trying to find out a proper way for the marshaller registering. The biggest difference compared to Nils' answer is that this solution leaves BootStrap.groovy intact, which is nice.

vijay tyagi
Author by

vijay tyagi

Updated on June 30, 2022


  • vijay tyagi
    vijay tyagi almost 2 years

    I am trying to register a custom json marshaller like this

                def m = new CustomJSONSerializer()
                JSON.registerObjectMarshaller(Idf, 1, { instance, converter -> m.marshalObject(instance, converter) }) 
    and then using it like this
                render inventionList as JSON

    but I am not sure if my custom serializer is being used because when I am debugging control never goes to marshalObject function of my custom serializer

    My custom serializer is as follows

    import grails.converters.deep.JSON
    import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor
    import java.lang.reflect.Field
    import java.lang.reflect.Method
    import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.exceptions.ConverterException
    import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.converters.marshaller.json.GroovyBeanMarshaller
    import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json.JSONWriter
    class CustomJSONSerializer extends GroovyBeanMarshaller{
        public boolean supports(Object object) {
            return object instanceof GroovyObject;
        public void marshalObject(Object o, JSON json) throws ConverterException {
            JSONWriter writer = json.getWriter();
            println 'properties '+BeanUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(o.getClass())
            for(PropertyDescriptor property:BeanUtils.getProperyDescriptors(o.getClass())){
                    println 'property '+property.getName()
            try {
                for (PropertyDescriptor property : BeanUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(o.getClass())) {
                    String name = property.getName();
                    Method readMethod = property.getReadMethod();
                    if (readMethod != null && !(name.equals("metaClass")) && readMethod.getName()!='getSpringSecurityService') {
                        Object value = readMethod.invoke(o, (Object[]) null);
                for (Field field : o.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
                    int modifiers = field.getModifiers();
                    if (Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) && !(Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) || Modifier.isTransient(modifiers))) {
            catch (ConverterException ce) {
                throw ce;
            catch (Exception e) {
                throw new ConverterException("Error converting Bean with class " + o.getClass().getName(), e);

    Is it possible to debug the serializer? If not then how can I exclude a property from serialization? There's some property which throws exception during serialization.

  • cdeszaq
    cdeszaq over 11 years
    The article you linked to is a much better, cleaner approach. To help deal with link rot, please consider quoting the most relevant bits of the article here in your answer.
  • adeady
    adeady about 7 years
    site appears to be down these days.